The Foreign Service Journal, April 2013

78 April 2013 | the foreign Service journal local lens By Jed Meline n Bhaktapur, Nepal Enter your photography to be featured in Local Lens! Images must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi at 8 x 10”). Please submit a short description of the scene/event, as well as your name, brief biodata and the type of camera used, to I n Bhaktapur, perched on the edge of the Kathmandu Valley, nestled among centuries-old palaces and temples, some dating back to the 1400s, pottery-making continues mostly unchanged. This village elder in Potters’ Square is overseeing the sun-drying of pots before they go into open-air kilns. Bhaktapur is one of seven UNESCO World Heritage sites in the Kathmandu Valley, renowned for its stunning, ancient Hindu and Buddhist architec- ture. n Jed Meline is a 14-year veteran with the USAID Foreign Service currently serving in the Democracy, Conflict and Humani- tarian Assistance Bureau in Washington. His previous posting was as deputy mis- sion director in Nepal. He is a member of the Foreign Service Journal Editorial Board. He took this photo with a Canon EOS T2i with a 75-300 zoom lens.