The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2003

backed up against the wall and could feel the metal frame and the webbing of one of the turtle excluder devices bite into my back. “You don’t have to do this, Dr. Tordorov.” “I think I do, Liza. I’m really very sorry.” As he raised his arm over his head, I raised both mine in reflex and came up against the TED. Acting instinc- tively, I grabbed on to the opposite sides of its circular metal frame and brought it down hard onto Tordorov’s upraised arm. The paperweight was knocked from his hand as the metal frame was propelled over his torso, the webbing enveloping the top half of his body. The momentum carried me forward onto Tordorov and, los- ing our balance, we both toppled awkwardly onto the floor. I heard a discreet cough behind me. I looked up, breathing hard, and saw Captain Lauer in the doorway. He inhaled deeply on his Gauloise. “I am glad to see, Mademoiselle, that my instincts about you were correct — you were the key to explaining this murder.” “I had nothing to do with it!” I protested, scrambling to my feet. “I never thought you did,” the captain replied. “But all the same, here we are and there is the mur- derer — snared in a trap just like the turtles he wished to save.” I turned to look down at Tordorov. He was lying motionless on the floor with the TED’s frame and web- bing still draped over him. His face was unnaturally pale — likely the same shade his skin would soon fade to once he was back in prison. S everal months later the U.S. government successfully defended its TEDs policy against the lawsuit brought against it. I had to testify then, just as I had to testify a few weeks later at Stefan Tordorov’s murder trial. Neither action gave me any joy. I gave away his pet turtles to a member of the Venezuelan delegation who sat across from me in the General Council. ■ F O C U S J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 0 3 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 27 Home Suite Home The next time you’re going to be in DC for an extended stay, make yourself at home at Georgetown Suites. With our discounted monthly rates and large, comfortable suites, you’ll feel right at home. Plus we’re near the State Department. Call today! Georgetown Suites the fun place to stay in DC 1-800-348-7203