The Foreign Service Journal, January-February 2016

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016 83 AFSA NEWS vices, P.O. Box 47478, OlympiaWA 98504-7478. Phone: toll-free 1 (800) 647-7706. Email: Link through the website’s “Contact Us” tab. Website: WEST V I RG I N I A There is no tax liability for out-of-state income if the individual has no permanent residence inWest Virginia, has a permanent residence elsewhere and spends no more than 30 days of the tax year inWest Virginia. However, non-resident domiciliaries are required to file a return on Form IT-140 for all income derived fromWest Virginia sources. Tax rates rise in four steps from 4 percent of taxable income over $10,000 for all filers, to 6.5 per- cent of taxable income for all filers over $60,000. Write: Department of Tax and Revenue, The Revenue Center, 1001 Lee St. E., CharlestonWV 25337-3784. Phone: toll-free 1 (800) 982-8297, or (304) 558-3333. Email: Website: WI SCONS I N Individuals domiciled inWisconsin are considered residents and are subject to tax on their entire income regardless of where the income is earned.Wisconsin’s 2015 tax rate ranges from 4 percent on income up to $11,090 for single filers or $14,790 for joint filers, rising in four steps to a maximum of 7.65 percent on income over $244,270 for single filers or $325,700 for joint filers. Write: Wisconsin Department of Revenue, Individual Income Tax Assistance, P.O. Box 8906, MadisonWI 53708-8906. Phone: (608) 266-2772. Email: Website: WYOMI NG There is no state income tax and no tax on intangibles such as bank accounts, stocks or bonds. State sales tax is 4 percent. Local jurisdictions may add another 4 percent. Write: Wyoming Department of Revenue, Herschler Building, 122 West 25th St., CheyenneWY82002-0110. Phone: (307) 777-5200. Email: Website: n