The Foreign Service Journal, January-February 2017

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2017 31 With few exceptions, the next administration should migrate all assistance programs back to USAID for implementation. the confusing current arrangement under which the USAID Administrator never knows until the last minute whether they will be invited to NSC meetings. In its first National Security Policy Directive, establishing the shape of the NSC, the next administration should make it clear that USAID will be a regu- lar attendee at NSC meetings whenever development, disaster or crisis management topics are discussed. 6. Strengthen the partnership with Congress. Congress has a key role in making sure that our foreign assistance is effective through its budgeting and authorization process. Over the years Congress has added additional hoops that the administration must jump through to implement programs, forcing USAID to add steps to an already lengthy process. Streamlining is needed. Other politically sensitive barriers to effective foreign assistance need to be addressed, such as standing up to the farm lobby and the American shipping companies to move all food aid to cash and do away with dumping commodities in countries (which has the risk of ruining local markets and agricultural production). Congress should be encouraged to reduce the practice of earmarking funds for certain programs and countries. While, for example, setting a high earmark for education may seem like a great idea, the reality is that education is a popular target for many other donor countries’ assistance monies. U.S. fund- ing might be more needed in a particular country to deal with inhumane prisons, or some other pressing need that typically does not attract donor funding. USAID needs to strengthen its Office of Legislative and Public Affairs and not be so reticent about engaging with the Hill. In dealing with Congress it is important not to overprom- ise, to quickly admit mistakes and to be ready to brief on any issue of concern at the drop of a hat. In my experience, staff and members are reasonable, and once they know that there is method to the perceived madness of the administration, they are usually willing to go along.