The Foreign Service Journal, January-February 2017

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2017 37 We take seriously the oath we swore to defend the Constitu- tion, and we look forward to helping you uphold yours. Matt Keene FSO, Consul General U.S. Embassy Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The Tip of the Spear The U.S. Foreign Service and its 200-plus diplomatic missions around the world perform an array of duties and functions criti- cal to the well-being of our nation. The Foreign Service acts not only as America’s “eyes and ears” globally, but also has the very special responsibility to execute and make presidential visions real to a foreign audience—friends and foes alike. America’s success as a nation can be linked historically to the dedication, wise counsel and sacrifice made by members of the Foreign Service and foreign affairs agencies serving abroad. The Foreign Service stands ready as the “tip of the spear” in helping the Trump administration realize its vision of making America great again, both at home and abroad. Timothy C. Lawson Senior FSO, retired Hua Hin, Thailand Public Service Matters I would wish to make clear to the new administration how much work the Foreign Service is tasked with and completes on a daily basis at our embassies around the world, often putting them- selves knowingly into dangerous or unhealthy environments. We have become an expeditionary Foreign Service in many ways, while still carrying out support for congressional delega- tions (CODELs), staff delegations (STAFFDELs), Freedom Of Information Act requests and Secretary of State or presidential visits, as well as critical diplomatic efforts in addition to routine but important visa work to help promote freedom and democ- racy globally. I wish to convey my extreme pride in all of my col- leagues—past and present, generalist and specialist—who have served or are currently serving proudly in the Foreign Service. I would like to suggest that the inbound administration initi- ate a truly historical undertaking, much like a previous presi- dent with a vision for America did—I refer to John F. Kennedy’s creation and support of the Peace Corps. I urge this new administration to consider requiring two years of mandatory public service by all 18- to 30-year-old citizens. They could choose to serve with, for example, the armed forces; in the State Department or the Forest Service; in hospitals, medical corps or hospice settings, or other public ser- vice venues. Social studies and civics training classes on our country’s proud history and form of government would be integrated seamlessly into this service period, perhaps even affording college credits for completion. Too many young people have no concept today of what it means to be an American citizen or the sacrifices that our fathers, mothers, grandparents and, of course, veterans and Foreign Service members have made in providing all of us a safe, free and pros- perous America to live and thrive in. Make public service great and meaningful again. Steven M. Mort FS Information Management Officer U.S. Mission Geneva, Switzerland Please Listen to the Diplomatic Service First of all, know that you have an elite diplomatic service at your disposal, one that certainly is among the best in the world. Don’t be afraid to use us regardless of whatever contrary advice you may receive. We exist in large measure precisely to carry out and implement policies crafted and codified by you and your senior staffers, as articulated eloquently in the Foreign Service Act of 1980 and previous legislation dating back almost a hundred years. But, please, also listen to us carefully, as we have honed expertise of high value to you and our nation’s foreign policy. For that reason, too, please consider raising the proportion of profes- sional diplomats who will serve as chiefs of mission around the world to at least 70 percent. The Trump administration and our country will both be better for this cardinal step. We have skills, knowledge and experience, as well as repre- senting the full diversity of our great country to help execute the vision you espouse for the next four years. Vangala S. Ram Senior FSO, retired Arlington, Virginia