The Foreign Service Journal, January-February 2017

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2017 39 ambassadors. That means Foreign Service officers, not wealthy puff bags who have no foreign policy experience or just repre- sent foreign lobbies. Stephen P. Dawkins FSO, retired Key West, Florida Foreign Assistance Represents the Best of America Development through foreign assistance is an imperative of United States foreign policy. We showcase our values through this strategic outreach to the global community. Through our assistance, we demonstrate our kindness, generosity, goodwill and desire for all people to reach their highest potential. Foreign assistance represents the best of America. It promotes our vision of the world at its best—one with peace, equality and prosperity. One that benefits us all. Andrea P. Capellán USAID FSO U.S. Embassy Lima, Peru Your Eyes and Ears Around the World The men and women of the Foreign Service will be your eyes and ears for the next four years, carrying out and explaining your foreign policy. They will also collect and analyze local reactions to it, both at the official level and in the streets. Sometimes you will not like what they report back to Wash- ington, but I hope you and your appointees will not reject their findings out of hand—or, worse, shoot the messengers. You may decide for any number of reasons to disregard their advice and stay the course, but at least you will know the risks of proceed- ing. Steven Alan Honley FSO, retired Washington, D.C. Set an Example of Respect for Diversity USAID’s workforce includes Americans of all races, religions, ethnic backgrounds, genders and sexual orientations, as well as immigrants who have chosen service to this country as their path in life. Our employees are the face of our country and our most valuable resource. We must ensure that all are treated equally with respect and dignity, both at home and abroad inside and outside the workplace. USAID employees have sacrificed their lives in service to this country, and we continue to place ourselves in harm’s way in defense of our values of freedom, equality and basic rights for all peoples. Furthermore, more than 10,000 USAID employees are nationals of the countries in which we work, and put their lives on the line every day on behalf of the U.S. government. USAID literally would not function without the brave participation and unparalleled dedication, contributions and expertise of our Foreign Service National employees. Foreign assistance is a crucial pillar of the U.S. government’s strategy to promote national security, economic stability and goodwill overseas. A vital component of this is USAID’s prin- cipled stance to advance women’s rights; rights for marginalized ethnic, religious and racial groups; and LGBTI rights overseas. Where active civil society and human rights form the core of a country’s foundation, peaceful societies thrive. We must continue setting an example of respect for such values at home to maintain our credibility overseas and suc- ceed in our mission of ending extreme poverty and promoting resilient, democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity. Michelle Dworkin USAID FSO Washington, D.C. Choose Professional Diplomats America is seen and judged by countries around the world through its ambassadorial appointments. There is a cadre of experienced, language-proficient professionals in our foreign affairs community ready to fill those jobs. To send unqualified political appointees to represent us abroad is, in many cases, not only disrespectful to our own system and the serious process of conducting diplomacy; it is insulting to the receiving country, as well. I would hope your administration will look carefully at historical precedent and strive to use fewer, not more, political appointees to fill ambassadorships abroad and senior foreign affairs positions at home. Danny Root Senior Foreign Service, retired Bulverde, Texas