The Foreign Service Journal, January-February 2020

Edgard Kagan @edgardkagan I joined the Foreign Service almost 29 years ago. I have served the United States at eight overseas posts in seven countries, working for five Presidents and 10 Secretaries of State. I am proud of my colleagues, who inspire me with their dedicated service. #FSProud Linda Thomas-Greenfield @LindaT_G #FSProud ! I am #FSProud to have served in the Foreign Service with patriotic colleagues like Ambassadors Yovanovitch and Taylor as well as others who have put their lives and reputations on the line in the name of freedom. Madeleine Albright @madeleine In an otherwise dark moment for our country, I have been inspired by the selfless service of George Kent, Bill Taylor, Marie Yovanovitch who this week refused to be intimidated and did their duty to defend the truth and uphold the constitution. I am truly #FSProud Joseph Nye @Joe_Nye #FSProud . This week was a public tutorial on non-partisan service to the nation. Leadership came from the foreign service, not the politicians! Amb. Deborah Malac @USAmbUganda #FSProud #FSStrong Proud to advance the cause of freedom for more than three decades. Together we can make a difference. Samantha Power @SamanthaJPower Having worked with so many incredibly talented Foreign Service members, I will forever be #FSProud —of their professionalism, their patriotism, their commitment to service, and critically, of the conviction they bring to the very human endeavor of diplomacy. Susan Reichle @SusanReichle Walking into @USAID headquarters & seeing the names of my colleagues who made the ultimate sacrifice etched into the wall is a reminder of why I’m #FSproud Laura Kennedy @AmbKennedy_ret I hope all Americans join me in being #FSProud that our Foreign Service is composed of outstanding, nonpartisan public servants like Ambassador Masha Yovanovitch who have dedicated their lives to serving their country. Nicholas Burns @RNicholasBurns I am #FSProud of George Kent, Masha Yovanovitch, Bill Taylor and Mike McKinley for their patriotism. They were true to their oath of office in choosing to testify before Congress against the wishes of the White House and Secretary of State. These four are profiles in courage. Deborah A. McCarthy @AMB_DMcCarthy It is about time that our diplomats, who work to protect our country & uphold the Constitution, be given the same respect & consideration as our military colleagues. The latter are our close colleagues & support us. I hope that others can do the same. #FSProud Julieta Valls Noyes @JVNoyes I became an American diplomat to thank this great nation, a beacon of hope for the world, for taking in my parents when they fled communism & oppression. US diplomats advance our nation’s security, prosperity & values. I am honored to be one of them. #FSProud THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 17 In mid-November, during impeachment proceedings that included testimony from several Foreign Service officers, AFSA asked members of the Foreign Service community to post to Twitter why they are #FSProud . Hundreds of diplomats and friends responded, and the hashtag continues to be used on Twitter as well as Facebook and other social media outlets. Following is a sampling of the tweets. We Are All #FSProud