The Foreign Service Journal, January-February 2020

6 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL 57 AFSAWelcomes Launch of Diplomacy Museum, President Eric Rubin Joins Board 58 State VP Voice—Professional Liability Insurance: Peace of Mind in a Troubled Time 59 USAID VP Voice—Get Ready … Get Set …Hire! 60 WhereWe Stand—The Foreign Service by the Numbers 61 What the Hatch Act Means for You 61 Mike Calvert of FCS Joins AFSA Governing Board 61 Sue Bremner Joins AFSA Labor Management as USAID Adviser 62 AFSA Panel: U.S. Diplomats as the First Line of Defense 62 Ásgeir Sigfússon Named Executive Director of AFSA 63 “Next Stage” Panel: Post–Foreign Service Careers for Diplomatic Security Agents 63 AFSA Governing Board Meeting 64 Support AFSA’s Legal Defense Fund 64 AFSA Plants Cherry Tree in Memory of COO Russ Capps 65 2019 AFSATax Guide AFSA NEWS THE OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION On the Cover— How They See Us: image by Dennis Harms/ Haiti Earthquake: photo by USAID/Kendra Helmer. Marketplace 96 Classifieds 98 Real Estate 100 Index to Advertisers FOREIGN SERVICE 7 President’s Views A Year of Challenge and Opportunity By E r i c Ru b i n 9 Letter from the Editor How They See US By Sh awn Do rma n 21 Speaking Out Truth and Honor By Ha r r y Ko p p 92 Off-Road with the Foreign Service A Hippo Encounter By Pe t e r Ke n n e t t Perspectives Departments 10 Letters 12 Talking Points 88 In Memory 94 Books 101 Reflections The Day the (Ambassador to the) Music Died By L a r r y Ma n d e l 102 Local Lens India By Yu l o n g Wa n g 57