The Foreign Service Journal, January-February 2023

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2023 5 January-February 2023 Volume 100, No. 1 Focus on AFSA as a Union at 50 Feature 20 When Lightning Struck Twice: How AFSA’s “Young Turks” Launched the Union Once a polite diplomats’ society, AFSA is now a financially and politically strong union and a player on the wider stage—with the administration, Congress, and the American public. By T h oma s Boya t t 27 AFSA Becomes a Union: Why It Matters In becoming a union, AFSA gained new powers to influence the personnel system and safeguard the interests of career diplomats. By J o h n K . Na l a n d 33 Federal Unions and USAID: The Challenge for AFSA A second-generation USAID FSO and AFSA vice president explains why the USAID Foreign Service needs a union and lays out workforce challenges facing the agency today. By J a s o n S i n ge r 37 From the FSJ Archive The FSJ on AFSA’s Path to Unionization 40 When Terror Strikes Home: Covering Our Children While Protecting All Americans Foreign Service crisis management can involve your own family. A career FSO and ambassador recalls his harrowing experience in Cambodia, and the lessons learned. By Ke n n e t h M . Qu i n n