The Foreign Service Journal, January-February 2025

42 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2025 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL Journey to Unleash Manager Potential The Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM) launched JUMP, the Journey to Unleash Manager Potential, in September 2024. This first-of-its-kind effort to support first-time and middle managers is based on extensive literature reviews, focus groups, survey data analysis, and ideas submitted to GTM’s Innovation Portal. JUMP offers a compendium of on-demand learning resources to enhance managerial skills—including a self-service, 360-degree feedback tool—and provides tips and tools to help managers more effectively use their time. Each component of JUMP was designed to meet a need directly articulated by the workforce. JUMP support starts with a letter from the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources (D-MR) outlining the department’s expectations of managers and providing links to all JUMP components. The letter sets both new and seasoned managers up for success by explaining their job requirements and outlining skills they should build throughout their career, taking into account both the leadership and management principles and the department’s core precepts for promotion. All managers—both new and experienced—are given a copy of that letter. It is not only a good reminder to more experienced managers but also a tool they can use with their own new managers as they coach them and help them craft their individual development plans (IDP). The letter lists seven aspirational and functional expectations that are linked to a comprehensive compendium of curated training and learning opportunities that meet learners where they are, including Foreign Service Institute (FSI) classes, on-demand Percipio courses, AI simulators, articles from top business journals, videos, and podcasts. (See box below for a comprehensive list of resources.) JUMP resources are categorized both topically and thematically under these seven areas of focus to help make manager development straightforward and • Department Expectations of Managers: Letter to Managers. This letter outlines seven aspirational benchmarks and functional expectations for managers, and links directly to JUMP tools. • Manager Learning Resources: Compendium of Learning Content. The compendium contains nearly 500 thematically organized resources for managerial growth and development. • LIFTool. This automated, self-service tool helps managers seek feedback on a skill area they want to further develop and to obtain “nudges” of relevant learning materials in the months following their use of the tool. • Meeting Cost Estimator. This interactive tool helps employees rethink who needs to be in a meeting and how often they need to hold it (or whether they need to hold it at all). • Workload Analyzer. This interactive tool allows managers to evaluate how they are spending their time, highlighting whether they have enough capacity for essential managerial tasks like strategic planning, employee development, and self-improvement. • Time Saving Tips. This suite of online resources helps managers reclaim their time. • AI for Managers. Sample generative AI prompts to help managers become more effective and efficient. JUMP into Manager Development is linked on the GTM intranet homepage. The following tools can be found at the JUMP link: