86 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2025 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL BY MARTIN CLAESSENS n PORTILLO, CHILE Please submit your favorite, recent photograph to be considered for Local Lens. Images must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi at 8” x 10”, or 1 MB or larger) and must not be in print elsewhere. Include a short description of the scene/event as well as your name, brief biodata, and the type of camera used. Send to locallens@afsa.org. LOCAL LENS The Inca Lagoon is in front of Portillo Ski Resort high in the Chilean Andes next to a border crossing with Argentina. It is common for U.S. Embassy Santiago ski enthusiasts to visit this resort, which is just a two-hour drive from the Chilean capital. Ski teams from around the world, including the U.S. women’s team, visit each year to train during the Northern Hemisphere’s offseason. n Martin Claessens is the senior commercial officer and commercial counselor at U.S. Embassy Santiago. He has served in Mumbai, Bogotá, Kyiv, and Toronto. He took this photo using a Pixel 8.