The Foreign Service Journal, January 2004
FOCUS ON SCHOLARSHIPS Foreign Service Colleagues Honor Their Own T heAFSAScholarshipFund recently established two scholarships hon- oring Ambassador Prudence Bushnell and FAS FSO Martin G. Patterson. What is unique about the awards is how they came to be. The 111thA-100 training class created theBushnell scholarship through a donation to AFSA. The aimwas to thank Amb. Bushnell for being their mentor and for her service to the United States. She joined the Foreign Service in1981 andhas servedas ambassador to theRepublics ofGuatemala (1999 to 2002) and Kenya (1996 to 1999). Currently, she is dean of the Leadership and Management School at FSI. Holly Holzer, at Embassy Kathmandu, is acting as the class coordinator for the scholarship. The one- time-only awardwill be bestowed inAugust 2004 as a need-basedFinancial Aid Scholarship to a child of a Foreign Service employee to help defray undergraduate college costs. Martin Patterson, an FSO with the Foreign Agriculture Service, passed away suddenly from heart failure on July 3 while visiting his parents in Louisiana. His wife, Constanza, and three young daughters survive him. Over the course of three months, his colleagues, friends and familydonatedover $16,000 toestablishaperpetual scholarship inMarty’s name. AFSAwould like to commendMike Conlon and EricWenberg of FAS, and other close friends of Marty’s, for the lead they took in this effort. They made personal presentations, worked to establish aWeb page, and even coordinated a bake sale to raise awareness of the Martin G. Patterson Scholarship. This award will be bestowed in perpetuity because only the interest fromthe donatedprincipal is awarded as a scholarship. Like theBushnell schol- arship, thiswill be awardedunderAFSA’s Financial AidScholarshipProgramandwill specif- ically be bestowed on a child of a FAS or APHIS employee. When the Patterson children are old enough, they can apply to receive this award. In both instances, biographical information on the scholarship will be shared with the recipients so the students can understand the Foreign Service connection. Formore infor- mation on how to contribute to these scholarships or for general AFSA Scholarship Fund information, contact Lori Dec at 1 (800) 704-2372, ext. 504, or e-mail Applications for AFSA’s merit and financial aid scholarships for the 2004/2005 school year are due Feb. 6, 2004. ▫ JANUARY 2004 • AFSA NEWS 9 and inspiring stories of their loved ones. Bingham’s daughter Abigail Bingham Endicott, an operatic soprano, per- formed a song that she wrote to honor her father and other righteous diplomats. John Limbert and Susan Reardon made brief remarks upon receiving their commemorativemedals—the Carl Lutz and Raoul Wallenberg Medals. Limbert offered words of gratitude on behalf of over 12,000 active and retired AFSAmembers, saying the award serves to remind us to be proud of the profes- sion of diplomacy. Susan Reardon remarked that it is an honor to work for an organization that recognizes dissent. Just as Rep. Lantos has personal and pro- fessional reasons to promote the recog- nition of righteous diplomats, so does Susan Reardon. She is one of the esti- mated half-million descendants of the survivors and refugees saved by the hon- ored diplomats. In closing the ceremony, Eric Saul asked that attendees share the stories with their children and educate others by the examples of the diplomats honored in the Visas for Life exhibit. ▫ Visas • Continued from page 8 2004 AFSA Dues Rates 2003 Payroll/Annuity Grade/Annuity Annual Deduction Lifetime SFS $312.95 $12.00 $1,500.00 FS 1, 2, 3 $242.00 $9.30 $1,500.00 FS 4, 5, 6 $138.45 $5.30 $1,500.00 FS 7, 8, 9 $73.20 $2.80 $1,500.00 Annuity under 25K $56.40 $4.70 $1,000.00 Annuity over 25K $84.40 $7.00 $1,000.00 Annuity over 50K $112.80 $9.40 $1,000.00 Annuity over 75K $140.90 $11.75 $1,000.00 Retiree Spouse $50.00 $4.15 $1,000.00 Retiree Associate $53.10 NA $1,000.00 Associate $86.80 NA $1,000.00 ing programs by colleagues in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia and the D.C. area, and to keep sending retirees to con- duct programs inChautauqua,N.Y., aswell as to launch a new course in Houston. If you live elsewhere andwould likeAFSA to bring an audience to you, please con- tactWardThompsonat thompsonw@afsa. org for more information. ▫ Elderhostel • Continued from page 7 Josh
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