The Foreign Service Journal, January 2007
just 39 percent said it was not. Most employees said they were able to travel easily and safely to work and within the community (70 per- cent), and around and into/out of the country (65 percent). But only a slim majority (54 percent) agreed that “Crime is not a problem for post per- sonnel, and host-country officials react promptly to reports of offenses against Americans.” Fifteen percent disagreed strongly with that charac- terization, and another 15 percent disagreed somewhat. Sixty-five percent of respondents described the general quality of household help (nannies, maids, gardeners, etc.) as satisfactory, while 59 percent found local personal services (repairs, tutoring, etc.) avail- able and affordable. Similar proportions agree that “Internet connections are adequate” (71 percent); “TV and radio programming is satisfacto- ry” (64 percent); and “Mail delivery is adequate” (69 percent). A comfortable majority (59 per- cent) said “There is a wide range of cultural offerings in the community.” And about two-thirds (65 percent) said they had been able to make friends outside the mission. Only about half the sample answered a question geared to single employees — “It is feasible to date/seek roman- tic partners here.” They split right down the middle: 24 percent agreed, while 23 percent disagreed. Wherever You Go, There You Are For the many reasons noted at the beginning of this article, no AFSA member should make bidding decisions C O V E R S T O R Y J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 7 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 33 In something of a surprise, 53 percent of respondents agree strongly that “Post housing is adequate in terms of space, location, furnishings, etc.” Continued on page 36 Home Suite Home The next time you’re going to be in DC for an extended stay, make yourself at home at Georgetown Suites. With our discounted monthly rates and large, comfortable suites, you’ll feel right at home. Plus we’re near the State Department. Call today! Georgetown Suites the fun place to stay in DC 1-800-348-7203
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