The Foreign Service Journal, January 2007

C O V E R S T O R Y 34 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 7 I would go back to Mali. I throughly enjoyed my tour there but was single at the time. Would love to go back with a family so that my kids could experence West Africa. I would like to serve in Western Europe, because I have bid many times on posts there but have not been success- ful. To round out my Foreign Service experience, almost all of which has been in greater hardship or developing countries, I would enjoy the opportunity to “crack through the EUR barrier.” If USAID reopened an office in Cameroon, I would want to be there because that’s where I did Peace Corps and that’s where my husband’s family is. Other than that I would choose an Asian country like Cambodia next. Impossible to say — there seems to be an inverse rela- tionship between the postings I would find interesting (e.g. Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia) and my perception of the quality of post management in those countries. India, Kenya, or other posts with access to good high schools and accommodations for children with minor learning disabilities. This is a much bigger problem than the office of overseas schools is willing to recognize. It would have to be Pristina. Challenging/interesting work, high morale and a front office that cares about staff. It’s good to be working in an office where what we do is meaningful and noticed back in Washington. Kabul, Abidjan, Khartoum, Port-au-Prince, Addis Ababa, Nairobi — pick one. These are all interesting, chal- lenging places of importance and emphasis. Kampala, Harare, Dar es Salaam. Latin America, to be close to our aging parents. London — Back to civilization. Things work. Lots of cultural offerings. Madrid. I have never loved a city as much as I love that one. Good employment options for my husband, as well. Morocco. The USAID mission is friendly; strong FSN staff; good outside community to live in. My ideal post is one that recognizes and supports sin- gles instead of shunting them aside to take care of families Dream Posts • Continued from page 32