The Foreign Service Journal, January 2008

those who submitted photos listed in the first section. Each listing includes the name of the university the stu- dentswill attendand thename of the scholarship(s) the student is receiving. It is not too late to apply for anAFSAFinancial Aid Scholarship. Applications for the 2008-2009 school year will be accepted until Feb. 6. Awards range from $1,500 to $3,500. To be eligible for anAFSAFinancial Aid Scholarship, students must be tax dependents of Foreign Service employees, take at least 12 credits a semester,maintain at least a cumulative 2.0 grade point average, attend an accredited two- or four-year col- lege or university in theU.S. or overseas and showneed by completing the College Scholarship Service “PRO- FILE.” Grandchildren of Foreign Service employees are not eligible for the program. Visit for the complete pro- gram details and to download an application. If you have any questions or are interested in establishing a scholarship in your name, please contact AFSAScholar- ship Director Lori Dec at (202) 944-5504, or 1 (800) 704-2372, ext. 504. GiovannyFietz —attendingthe UniversityatBuffalo. Recipient oftheAFSACharlesB.Hosmer Memorial Scholarship and the AFSA BrockmanMoore Mem- orial Scholarship. Evan Fritz — attending the UniversityofMaryWashington. Recipient of the AFSA James BolardMoreMemorialScholar- ship and the AFSA Elbert G. and Naomi M. Mathews Memorial Scholarship. Caio Geraissate — attending Ohio State University. Recipi- ent of the DACOR Bacon House Foundation Harriet C. Thurgood Memorial Scholar- ship. ElliotConsigny —attendingthe UniversityofWisconsin. Recip- ient of the AFSAOliver Bishop Harriman Memorial Scholar- ship. Victor Copher — attending Ohio University. Recipient of the DACOR Bacon House Foundation Harriet C. Thur- good Memorial Scholarship. NathanDaves-Brody —attend- ingtheUniversityofNewMexi- co. Recipient of the AFSA Arthur B. Emmons Memorial Scholarship,theAFSAWilliam Leonhardt Memorial Scholar- ship and the AFSA Naomi Pekmezian Memorial Scholar- ship. AlexandriaGilbert —attending Queen's University, Belfast. RecipientoftheDACORBacon HouseFoundationHeywardG. Hill Memorial Scholarship. UthmanClaiborne — attend- ing North Carolina Central University. Recipient of the AFSAAlbertE.CarterMemorial Scholarship and the AFSA MartinG.PattersonMemorial Scholarship. Dylan Dempsey — attending SaintLeoUniversity. Recipient of the DACOR Bacon House Foundation Heyward G. Hill Memorial Scholarship and the AFSARobertE.andFlorenceL. Macaulay Memorial Scholar- ship. Julia Groth — attending California Polytechnical State University. Recipient of the AFSA Clarke Winship Slade Memorial Scholarship and the AFSA Gertrude Stewart Mem- orial Scholarship. J A NU A R Y 2 0 0 8 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 67 A F S A N E W S