The Foreign Service Journal, January 2008

many a famous person around — including Ernie Pyle, Clark Gable, Japanese Ambassador to the United States Kichisaburo Nomura and Special Envoy Saburo Kurusu, and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Nelson Rockefeller, Ribble once recounted, was notorious for coming up to the desk with a cab driver at his heels wanting to be paid — because Rockefeller never carried any money. From 1943 through 1945 Mr. Ribble served in the Navy in the Pacific theater. Returning from the war to the State Department, he worked in the Office of International Conferences until joining the Foreign Service in 1955 under the Wriston Program. His first foreign assignments were in Rio de Janeiro and Panama City. He returned to Washington in 1961. There he served as deputy executive director of the European Bureau and was subsequently posted to Rome in 1964. He was transferred to Mexico City in 1969. There he served as administrative counselor, counselor for consular affairs and act- ing deputy chief of mission. Colleagues recall Mr. Ribble as a man who was highly respected and much admired. A modest man, he worked in the background and was not much on formality. He had a personality that attracted people to him, from the lowest to the highest echelons, but he could also be tough when necessary. One such occasion arose during President Richard Nixon’s atten- dance at a conference in Puerto Val- larta in the early 1970s, when Mr. Ribble was in charge of administrative arrangements. Mexican officials had determined the best landing position for Air Force One for security, but Nixon’s advance team insisted on another site for photo opportunity purposes. “This is their country. The Mexi- cans know what they are doing, and you will not overrule them,” friends recall Mr. Ribble telling the head of J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 8 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 77 I N M E M O R Y Home Suite Home The next time you’re going to be in DC for an extended stay, make yourself at home at Georgetown Suites. With our discounted monthly rates and large, comfortable suites, you’ll feel right at home. Plus we’re near the State Department. Call today! Georgetown Suites the fun place to stay in DC 1-800-348-7203