The Foreign Service Journal, January 2011

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 1 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 19 cern or functional issue, please con- sider writing a feature article (also generally 2,000 words long, though shorter entries are welcomed) about it for us. Although we will not be hold- ing our annual fiction contest this year, you are always welcome to submit short stories with a Foreign Service theme or setting for publication as feature articles. We invite those of you who expect to publish a book between now and next fall to send us a copy (along with promotional materials), for inclusion in our annual compilation of recently published books by Foreign Service- affiliated authors, “In Their Own Write.” Because that issue will run in October this year rather than Novem- ber, Aug. 1 is now the deadline for a listing in the roundup. For more in- formation, contact Senior Editor Susan Maitra at . We continue to welcome submis- sions for our FS Heritage department, which spotlights past U.S. diplomats (either famous or obscure), as well as issues related to the evolution of the Foreign Service as an institution. Share Your Insights We take seriously our mission to give you “news you can use”: infor- mation about how to advance your ca- reer; tips on dealing effectively with the bureaucracy at State and the other foreign affairs agencies, especially when you are trying to resolve a prob- lem; and updates on how AFSA is working to improve working and liv- ing conditions for Foreign Service employees and their families. Much of that coverage is found, of course, within the pages of AFSA News . That section offers many dif- ferent ways for members to share their experiences, thoughts and con- cerns regarding professional issues. AFSA News Editor Amy McK- eever is particularly interested in hearing from members about lessons they’ve learned at post, retirement is- sues, family member matters and other topics, including any bureau- cratic mysteries you’d like to see un- raveled in our pages. (See her own “Letter from the Editor” on p. 50.) For more information, please contact Amy at Another place to look for such items is our periodic FS Know-How department. We welcome contribu- tions on topics ranging from manag- ing one’s career and cutting red tape to parlaying one’s professional skills in retirement, as well as financial infor- mation and guidance for Foreign Service personnel. There are many other ways you can contribute to our pages, of course. Please share your reactions, positive and negative, to any of our content by sending us a comment for our Let- ters department. Just bear in mind that, as with all periodicals, the briefer and more focused your letter is, the more likely we’ll be able to print it in full. (In general, 200 to 400 words is a good target.) The Speaking Out department is your forum to advocate policy, regu- latory or statutory changes to the For- eign Service. These columns (approxi- mately 1,500 to 2,000 words long) can be based on personal experience with a professional injustice or present your insights into a foreign affairs-re- lated issue. Our Reflections department pres- ents short commentaries (approxi- mately 600 words long) based on personal experiences while living or traveling overseas. These submissions should center on insights gained as a result of interactions with other cul- tures, rather than being descriptive “travel pieces.” We are also pleased to consider poetry and photographs for publication, either in that section or as freestanding features. Finally, if you have any questions about the submission process, need to change your mailing address, or want to give a subscription to a friend or family member, please contact us at and we will be de- lighted to respond. Let us hear from you. L E T T E R F R O M T H E E D I T O R We take seriously our mission to give you “news you can use.”