The Foreign Service Journal, January 2012

16 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 to influence events in a major part of the world, just as that area is throwing off old structures and systems and cre- ating new ones, then it constitutes a po- litical threat, as well. Knowing more about the culture and religion that the terrorists are coming from, and per- verting, will help us deal with both kinds of threats. Much as I regret and deplore the concrete bunkers that house our em- bassies and the security precautions that limit our ability to move around and meet people, I don’t see those going away over the next 50 years. It’s a dangerous world and getting more so, not least because technology has put us so much more in each other’s faces. But that doesn’t mean that we have to build enormous fortresses in countries of second- or third-rate importance to the United States and people them with huge support and security staffs. Who Needs Offices? In fact, I believe we will finally begin to reverse the unfortunate decision, made decades ago, that the most pow- erful country in the worldmust have an embassy almost everywhere, in almost every sovereign country. Once we can bring ourselves psychologically to aban- don that idea, there will be fewer bunkers to build. Officers can be more mobile, operating out of hotel rooms and other temporary quarters. After all, who needs an office any- more? Officers can write their reports on their Googleberries and Podphones and tablets, and one of these days will send “telegrams” (as they are quaintly called) from them too. Reports will in- clude photographs and videos of riots and ceremonies and even interviews. The U.S. government will, of course, continue to lag years behind the private sector, but it’s just slow; it will get there eventually. If I had been thrust into the Foreign Service of 2011 when I was first sworn in, I would have found it wondrous strange. I’m sure that any of today’s of- ficers who suddenly found themselves in 2061 would find it just as strange an institution: wondrous in its technologi- cal marvels; discouraging, perhaps, in the persistence of unresolved problems and issues; and, I hope, reassuring in the continuity of this country as a bea- con of hope and leadership — even from a position of relatively diminished power. George F. Jones, a Foreign Service offi- cer from 1956 to 1995, was deputy chief of mission in Chile and Costa Rica during the 1980s, and was am- bassador to Guyana from 1992 to 1995. An Editorial Board member from 2007 to 2011, Ambassador Jones currently chairs the AFSA Elections Committee and has long been active in the association. Since retiring from the Foreign Serv- ice, he has remained heavily involved in foreign affairs, including election monitoring and democracy promotion, and a variety of When Actually Em- ployed assignments with the State De- partment. S P E A K I N G O U T The United States will continue to wield great influence throughout the next 50 years — just not as a superpower. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Moving? Take AFSA With You! Change your address online at: To log in, use your AFSA membership number on the mailing label of your Foreign Service Journal . The number is on the top left corner of the label, right above your name. It may be 2 digits or up to 7 digits. The password is your last name. It is not case sensitive. Or Send change of address to: AFSA Membership Department 2101 E Street NW Washington, DC 20037