The Foreign Service Journal, January 2012

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 19 ment issues, family member matters and other topics, including any bu- reaucratic mysteries you’d like to see unraveled in our pages. For more in- formation about any aspect of AFSA News , please contact Donna at Another place to look for such items is our periodic FS Know-How department. We welcome contribu- tions on topics ranging frommanaging one’s career and cutting red tape to parlaying one’s professional skills in re- tirement, as well as financial informa- tion and guidance for Foreign Service personnel. There are many other ways you can contribute to our pages, of course. Please share your reactions, positive and negative, to any of our content by sending us a comment for our Letters section. Just bear in mind that, as with all periodicals, the briefer and more fo- cused your letter is, the more likely we’ll be able to print it in full. (In gen- eral, 200 to 400 words is a good target.) The Speaking Out department is your forum to advocate policy, regula- tory or statutory changes to the Foreign Service. These columns (approxi- mately 1,500 to 2,000 words long) can be based on personal experience with a professional injustice or present your insights into a foreign affairs-related issue. Our Reflections department nor- mally features short commentaries (approximately 600 words long) based on personal experiences while living or traveling overseas. These submissions should center on insights gained as a result of interactions with other cul- tures, rather than being descriptive “travel pieces.” However, this month we’re trying something new in that spot: a crossword puzzle! We are also pleased to consider poetry and photo- graphs for publication, either in that section or as freestanding features. If you have any questions about the submission process, need to change your mailing address, or want to give a subscription to a friend or family mem- ber, please contact us at journal@ . We will be delighted to re- spond. 2012 EDITORIAL CALENDAR for the FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL JANUARY 2012 Foreign Service Reflections (article-length, 3-4 pages each) FEBRUARY 2012 The Euro Turns 10 (and related issues) (+ AFSA Tax Guide) MARCH 2012 Hunger as a Foreign Policy Issue (+ AFSA Annual Report) APRIL 2012 FS Family Employment: Best Practices/Success Stories MAY 2012 Has the Arab Spring Turned to Fall? JUNE 2012 Foreign Service Nationals/Locally Employed Staff (+ semiannual SCHOOLS SUPPLEMENT) JULY-AUGUST 2012 FSI/Professional Education & Training (PLUS AFSA Awards coverage) SEPTEMBER 2012 China OCTOBER 2012 The 3 Ds: Diplomacy, Development, Defense NOVEMBER 2012 In Their Own Write (roundup of books by FS-affiliated authors) DECEMBER 2012 Security vs. Openness (fortress embassies, role of DS, etc.) (+ semiannual SCHOOLS SUPPLEMENT) L E T T E R F R O M T H E E D I T O R We take seriously our mission to give you “news you can use.”