The Foreign Service Journal, January 2012

AFSA Resource Marketplace Find the Most-Requested Resources from the Overseas Briefing Center Online at 1. FSI’s Transition Center 2. U.S. Department of State Overseas Briefing Center (OBC) 3. Security Overseas Seminars: PSOS, ASOS, SAA, SOS, SOS 4. Transition Center Training home page for eligible family members and members of household (MOH) 5. International Jobs - Working Overseas 6. Country Information (Bidding Resources) 7. Transition Center Courses 8. Preparing to Go Overseas 9. Pets and International Travel 10. Foreign Service Assignment Notebook: What Do I Do Now? 11. U.S. Department of State Career Transition Center (CTC) 12. Personal Post Insights 13. Elementary School Stuff 14. Arrange Medical Clearance and Immunizations 15. High Stress Assignment Outbrief Program felt great about the adventure of their expatriate life suddenly bereft for no apparent reason. “Sometimes losses are couched in changes that, on the surface, are wor- thy of celebration: a promotion, a longed-for opportunity, or a chance to engage in something new and mean- ingful. Either way, the personal and sometimes hidden toll that can come with such extensive change can be im- mense, confusing and painful.” If an employee herself is thrilled about a big promotion that entails a move, her spouse and children might feel guilty for being disappointed and even angry that the new opportunity means upheaval for them. Because the move is framed in being a happy occasion, it could mean that reaching out and admitting to feeling de- pressed or anxious is difficult for fam- ily members. These feelings of guilt, sadness and disappointment may not even be recognized by the person feeling them, but rather might be sub- limated and slip out later in the guise of anger, resentment or emotional dis- tance. Sandoz emphasizes that there are common elements to the mental health issues he sees in expatriates worldwide. “Along with the dynam- ics surrounding complex grief, other common mental health issues expatri- ates contend with are centered on dealing with the adjustments that come with intense transition, anxiety, depression, cross-cultural identity and/or relationship issues, and angst around the question of belonging.” Help Is Available So what can be done? The first step is acknowledging the issue and informing employees that assistance is available, as the State memo does. But that is just the first step. Dr. Truman, whose practice offers counseling to expatriates worldwide via Skype, suggests that while outgo- ing expatriates cannot be screened for things that haven’t happened, they can be encouraged to talk honestly about pre-existing issues. 42 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 Rob Giallongo, a State Department medical officer, points out that help cannot be mandated by the employing agency. Buy all your travel guides, language books and pleasure reading through the AFSA bookstore. Buy the Amazon Kindle and download and read first chapters for free before you decide to purchase that new book. When you access through our bookstore all your purchases will benefit AFSA at no additional cost to you. Find State Department and AFSA Reading Lists Online at Start your purchase on our site: