The Foreign Service Journal, January 2012

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 43 Expatriates who work in relatively calm places and have their families with them frequently do not receive the mental health support they need. “If someone who plans to take an overseas job knows that they have is- sues with depression, anxiety, or is a recovering alcoholic, he or she is in a much better position to heed the early signs of distress and deal with them appropriately before they get out of control.” In that regard, MED’s Rob Gial- longo emphasizes that many pre-exist- ing psychiatric conditions do not preclude someone from working abroad with the State Department. “Certain conditions and their treat- ments used to bar entry to the Foreign Service, but they don’t now,” he says. Admitting to having been de- pressed or to having an anxiety disor- der, for example, does not negatively affect a security clearance. In fact, having pursued treatment for mental health conditions can be considered positive. Giallongo concurs that more preparation for what it’s really like to live overseas would be a great addi- tion to the mental health services State and USAID already offer. For example, he notes, “Currently, only those going to war zones get any kind of training in how to deal with intense stress and trauma.” Happily, the Foreign Service Insti- tute now offers classes, in cooperation with MED, geared to helping employ-