The Foreign Service Journal, January 2012

duty, with little or no career fallout. That statistic should go a long way to- ward breaking down the barriers to mental health support. In this age of high-speed Internet, treatment for psychological issues doesn’t mean having to fly home, at the government’s expense, to be seen only once things are at the point of utter despair. MED is working with insurers to confirm coverage of ther- apy through Skype. In addition, there are now more and more therapists on the ground in foreign posts. For their part, expatriates — in- cluding Foreign Service personnel and family members —must redefine their culture to accept that everyone pursuing that rewarding, if challeng- ing, lifestyle may occasionally need support, whether from each other, trained professionals or both. “Tell someone,” Dianne Peersman urges. “Don’t just yell at your kids. Don’t hide it. The life we’re living can be hard, and those who live it with you can help. They understand what you’re going though.” Talking to one another is a start. But when a trained therapist is neces- sary, sponsoring agencies should en- sure that there is no obstacle, real or imagined, to employees and their families getting professional help. J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 45 Having pursued treatment for mental health conditions can actually be considered positive in terms of a security clearance.