The Foreign Service Journal, January 2012

eign Service high school seniors. The 2011 winners were fea- tured in the July/August issue of AFSA News (please see www. In summary, the association has provided aid to 96 students totaling $223,400 for the 2011-2012 academic year. 2012-2013 Scholarships and Awards It’s not too late to apply for a 2012-2013 AFSA Financial Aid Scholarship or 2012 Merit Award. Applications are being accepted through Feb. 6. Financial aid scholarships range from $1,500 to $4,000. To be eligible, students must be income tax dependents of Foreign Service employees; take a minimum of 12 credits per semester; maintain a cumulative grade point av- erage of 2.0 or greater; attend an accredited two- or four-year college or university in the U.S. or overseas; and prove need by completing the College Scholarship Service (CSS) PROFILE. Merit Award applicants must be high school seniors and children of FS employees. These awards range from $1,000 to $2,000. Unfortunately, grandchildren of Foreign Service em- ployees are not eligible for either program. For details on the scholarship and merit awards programs, please visit If you have any questions or are interested in establishing a scholarship in your name or that of a loved one, please contact Lori Dec, AFSA scholarship administrator, at (202) 944-5504 or Recipients of the 2011-2012 AFSA Financial Aid Scholar- ships are listed below, with students who submitted photos listed first. Elise Bliss — daughter of Mark Bliss and Kristin Rummel-Bliss. Recipient of the Heyward G. Hill Memorial/DACOR Bacon House Foundation Financial Aid Scholarship. She is currently attending Old Dominion University. Natalie Bluhm — daughter of Christina and Nathan Mark Bluhm. Recipient of the Howard Fyfe Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship, the Elbert G. and Naomi M. Mathews Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship and the Sheldon Whitehouse Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship. She is currently attending Pikes Peak Community College. Taylor Burdan — son of Mark Burdan and Tami Fennewald-Burdan. Recipient of the Gertrude Stewart Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship and the Clare H. Timberlake Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship. He is currently attending Chadron State College. Anna Leah Berstein- Simpson — daughter of Rose Berstein and Peter Simpson. Recipient of the Barbara Bell Black Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship and the John Campbell White Financial Aid Scholarship. She is currently attending Dartmouth College. James Chambers — son of Hyong and Kevin Chambers. Recipient of the Harriet C. ThurgoodMemorial/DACOR Bacon House Foundation Financial Aid Scholarship and the Virginia Thurgood Bingham Memorial/DACOR Bacon House Foundation Aid Scholarship. He is currently attending the University of Tulsa. J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 53 A F S A N E W S Alexandra Einhorn — daughter of Joy and Norman Einhorn. Recipient of the Brockman M. Moore Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship. She is currently attending Washington University in St. Louis. Elizabeth Einhorn — daughter of Joy and Norman Einhorn. Recipient of the Elbert G. and Naomi M. Mathews Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship. She is currently attending the University of Notre Dame. Emma Friedheim — daughter of Julia Findlay and Daniel Friedheim. Recipient of the Virginia Thurgood Bingham Memorial/DACOR Bacon House Foundation Financial Aid Scholarship. She is currently attending the University of Virginia. Abigail Einhorn — daughter of Joy and Norman Einhorn. Recipient of the Brockman M. Moore Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship. She is currently attending Purdue University. Daniel Fritz — son of Karl Fritz and Jennifer Grise. Recipient of the Elizabeth M. and William E. Cole Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship and the Elizabeh N. Landeau Memorial Financial Aid Scholarship. He is currently attending Bucknell University.