The Foreign Service Journal, January 2013
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY 2013 21 FOREIGN SERVICE TRANSFER TIPS FOCUS EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION D uring my relatively brief (1985-1997) Foreign Service career, I changed posts just three times: fromWashington, D.C., to Mexico City, then on to Wellington, and back to Washing- ton. (I went on lots of official trips after that, a few of which turned into epic misadventures, but that’s a story for another time.) Happily, all three official transfers went smoothly. My household effects pallet never got dropped into the Pacific, or any other bodies of water. And all my belongings were picked up and delivered intact, including back in the States (which can sometimes be the trickiest part). If anything, my movers in Mexico City were too thorough: they packed up all my garbage, unbeknownst to me. Fortunately, that inadvertent souvenir was free of organic material, so I didn’t have any nasty surprises on arriving Down Under. Now, I should acknowledge that as a single officer with relatively few possessions, I was spared from dealing with a lot of the complications that many of my colleagues had to manage. I also never had to transfer between two remote posts where even basic services are unreliable. On the other hand, I can truthfully say that I did my compulsive-obsessive best to facilitate the pro- cess, spending lots of time labeling boxes and compiling records (some of which I probably still have somewhere in storage!). Over the years, the FSJ has published several FS Know-How columns recounting an alarming variety of transfer mishaps. A common thread running through the advice these contributors have offered is the fact that while help is available, it’s really up to each employee to seek it and follow up if it isn’t forthcoming. As far as I know, this issue marks the first time the Journal has focused on these challenges in a systematic way. We offer this coverage now, well ahead of transfer season, in hopes of enhanc- ing the odds that you, your family and your belongings will all get to their next destination without incident. Mette Beecroft has handled transfer issues for more than four decades now from just about every conceivable angle. She’s moved all over the world with her family; worked for the Trans- portation Division, Family Liaison Office and other parts of State; and informally advised the Foreign Service community as a leader in Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide. In “Foreign Service Transfer Realities” (p. 24), she shares lots of practical tips for making the process as painless as possible. Moving with pets (or animal companions, if you prefer) can be a particular challenge. When U.S. airlines suddenly raised rates on transferring pets last year, AFSA led a campaign to restore the discounts previously granted members of the Foreign Service and the military. But cost is just one factor. As Heather Pishko explains in “Single, With Pets” (p. 28), with careful prepa- ration the experience can go smoothly for everyone concerned. (Just don’t expect the four-legged members of the household to pitch in!) One final note: Be sure to consult the AFSA Guidance for Foreign Service Employees and the Pet Issues and Pet Travel Guidance pages of AFSA’s Web site. n Steven Alan Honley was a Foreign Service officer from 1985 to 1997, serving in Mexico City, Wellington and Washington, D.C. He has been editor of the Foreign Service Journal since 2001. Illustrations by Josh Dorman. We hope our coverage will help your next move go more smoothly. BY STEVEN ALAN HONL EY Josh
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