The Foreign Service Journal, January 2013
THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY 2012 53 AFSA NEWS recruited more than 40 vol- unteers from five countries to share their experiences in teaching, literacy, art, music and physical education. The volunteers also provided fresh food for the school meals and established a functional library. The following awards were also presented: The 2012 Eleanor Dodson Tragen Award To retired Foreign Service officer Tom Gallagher for his contributions to the well- being of FS employees and families. The 2012 Lesley Dorman Award To Debbi Miller for her out- standing service to AAFSW and the Foreign Service com- munity. SOSA recipients receive airfare to Washington, $2,500, a pin and a certifi- cate signed by the Secretary of State. Since its inception more than 20 years ago, SOSA has recognized more than 400 nominees for their outstand- ing volunteer service in more than 130 countries around the world. SOSA is admin- istered by the Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide, the non-profit organization supporting For- eign Service family members. To learn more about AAFSW and SOSA, please visit scholarships/sosa/sosa-the- 2012-winners. n Dissent: About National Interest, Not Individual World Views Recognize Exemplary Performance AFSA Dissent Awards recog- nize Foreign Service person- nel who offer constructive criticism and alternative policy and management options. AFSA is proud to honor constructive dissent and the ability to express it appropriately. It takes courage to dissent and it is important that the leadership and culture of any organiza- tion provide the space for individual members to do so. Constructive and well-rea- soned dissent is rooted in our fundamental national values. Ambassador Thomas Boyatt, a former AFSA President, has summed it up well, “Dissent is about the national interest, not about individual world views.” AFSA honors and seeks to promote a culture that not only tolerates, but encour- ages informed, thoughtful, professional, and principled argument over varied issues. We do it through our Rivkin, Harriman and Herter Dissent Awards, recognizing sig- nificant constructive dissent providing well-reasoned alternative approaches to both policy and implementa- tion strategies. Each year within the ranks of the Foreign Service, some of us voice constructive dis- sent about policy or policy implementation. Too often, far too few of us hear about it and too much courageous dissent is not recognized. What distinguishes the pro- fessional is the willingness to speak out after careful study and reflection, if one is convinced of the value and importance of changing course or to an alternative policy. We invite you to nominate a colleague who has voiced dissent courageously and professionally for one of the AFSA dissent awards. Award categories are found at www. Though we encourage nominations year round, the deadline for the 2013 Awards Ceremony is February 28th. Please send your nominations to Perri Green at n BY SUSAN JOHNSON, AFSA PRESIDENT Don’t let this year pass with- out submitting a nomination for an AFSA Performance Award. We know you know someone at post making a positive difference. AFSA offers three annual awards for exemplary performance of assigned or voluntary duties at an over- seas post: • The Nelson B. Delevan Award: for a Foreign Service office management specialist who has made a significant contribution to post or office effectiveness and morale beyond the framework of his/her job responsibilities. • The M. Juanita Guess Award: for a community liaison office coordinator who has demonstrated outstand- ing leadership, dedication, initiative or imagination in assisting official Americans serving at an overseas post. • The Avis Bohlen Award: for a Foreign Service eli- gible family member whose relations with the American and foreign communities at post have done the most to advance the interests of the United States. Winners receive a cash prize of $2,500 and will be honored at a ceremony in late June in the Benjamin Franklin Room at the State Department. Information on nomina- tion procedures and guide- lines can be found at www. Th e dead- line for submitting nomina- tions for all of the awards is February 28, 2013. n BY PERRI GREEN, AFSA COORDINATOR, SPECIAL AWARDS AND OUTREACH
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