The Foreign Service Journal, January 2013

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY 2012 55 AFSA NEWS The J. Kirby Simon Foreign Service Trust is a chari- table fund established in the memory of J. Kirby Simon, a Foreign Service officer who died in 1995 while serving in Taiwan. The Trust is commit- ted to expanding the oppor tunities for professional fulfillment and community service of active Foreign Ser- vice officers and specialists and their families. The principal activity of the Trust is to support projects that are initiated and carried out, on an entirely unofficial, voluntary basis, by Foreign Service personnel or members of their families, wherever located. The Trust will also consider projects of the same nature proposed by other U.S. Government  employees or members of their families, regardless of nationality, who are located at American diplomatic posts abroad. Only the foregoing persons are eligible appli- cants.    In 2012 the Trust made its sixteenth round of grant awards, approving a total of 54 grants that ranged from $600 to $3000 (averag- ing $2052), for a total of $110,785. These grants support the involvement of Foreign Service personnel in the projects described in the Trust announcement entitled Grants Awarded in 2012 and available at www.kirbysimon- BETSYMALPASS The J. Kirby Simon Foreign Service Trust Invites Project Proposals ACT I VE AFTER ACT I VE- DUTY Carolina Friends of the FS Hold Climate Change Talk       The Trust now invites the submission of proposals for support in 2013. A proposal should include a description of the project, its aims and the role to be played by the applicant(s); a preliminary plan for dissemi- nating the results of the proj- ect; a budget; other available funding, if any; and a brief biography of the applicant(s). Proposals should be no longer than five double- spaced pages (exclusive of budget and biographical material). Please follow the application format available at format_for_proposals.html or by communicating with the Trust (see below). Proposals for projects to be funded during calendar year 2013 must be received by the Trust no later than March 1, 2013. Proposals can be submit- ted by mail, by fax or (prefer- ably) by e-mail to: J. Kirby Simon Foreign Service Trust 93 Edgehill Road New Haven, CT 06511 FAX:  (203) 432-8095 E-mail: Send to both info@ and john. .     Further information about the Trust can be found at n On Oct. 25, the Carolina Friends of the Foreign Service held their quarterly luncheon at the Chapel Hill Country Club, Chapel Hill, N.C. This year’s theme, global energy, was addressed by Professor Francis Koster, who spoke on global climate change and its impact on geo poli- tics. Fifty-five members and guests were in attendance. The CFFS is a social organization of 155 mem- bers of mostly retired U.S. government employees from the foreign affairs com- munity, including State, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Agency for Interna- tional Development and the Peace Corps. Also included are members from the U.S. international business sector living in North Carolina’s research triangle area of Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill. Former diplomats in residence served in the same capacity and were respon- sible for the same portfolio for many of the schools in the Southeast.  They all had offices at both Duke Univer- sity and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ms. Julie  Ruter- bories also has offices at Duke and Carolina and travels to schools in sev- eral Southern states.   Ms. Ruterbories will be presenting the next talk to the members of the Caro- lina Friends of the Foreign Service at the University Club at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, N.C., on Friday, Jan. 18. Her topic will  focus on how The Netherlands is preparing to meet the challenges of the expected rise in sea levels.  Ruterbories’ last assign- ment was as the U.S. consul general in Amsterdam. To contact Julie, her e-mail address is ruterboriesja@ n North Carolina diplomats-in-residence attend the October luncheon of the Carolina Friends of the Foreign Service held at the Chapel Hill Country Club in Chapel Hill, N.C. Pictured (left to right) are former DIR Bill Lucas, Amb. Brenda Schoonover, Amb. David Litt and current DIR, Julie Ruterbories.