The Foreign Service Journal, February 2004

social fabric of America. His views were occasionally outrageous, usu- ally insightful, and invariably inter- esting. This remarkable diplomat, scholar and man of letters retained his intellectual acuity and his will- ingness to engage in public debate throughout his nineties. He lived to see the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, and characteristically aimed to influence the role the United States should play in the new world circumstances. He objected to plans for NATO expansion and to what he saw as exploitation of Russian weakness. He expressed serious reservations about U.S. interventions in places like Somalia, Bosnia and Kosovo, regardless of their humanitarian purpose. And in his 98th year, a still intellectually vigorous Kennan criticized the Bush administration’s national security doctrine, objecting to American military action against Iraq. His long-expressed reserva- tions regarding American over- extension and excessive reliance on military force proved remarkably consistent whatever the changed geopolitical circumstances of the new century. When Kennan left the direc- torship of the Policy Planning Staff at the end of 1949, Joseph Alsop described him aptly as a “brilliant, disinterested and courageous public servant in action.” This assessment stands the test of time. A determined and principled official, Kennan is a man of estimable character. One can only hope that present and future makers of foreign policy might share some- thing of his integrity and intelligence.  F O C U S 34 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 0 4 Kennan’s long-expressed reservations regarding American over-extension and excessive reliance on military force are still well worth considering. The Embassy Plan Overseas Insurance Personal Auto & Contents Coverage Experience that helps you avoid the pitfalls of a highly complex business. Repeat business that results from providing what’s best for the customer not the agent nor the insurance company. Since 1969, Harry M. Jannette International has provided dependable coverage with U.S. carriers with a financial rating of A+ or higher to thousands of Foreign Service Personnel worldwide. Thus you gain the broadest U.S. terms and conditions and flexible value limits often not available from other insurance carriers. MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED: SEE OUR WEBSITE APPLICATIONS Harry M. Jannette International, L.L.C. 8111 LBJ Freeway, Suite 585 Dallas, Texas 75251-1334 Toll Free (800) 256-5141 (972) 783-4915 Fax (972) 783-0545 E-mail: • WORLDWIDE COVERAGE Fire, theft, comprehensive and collision protection are available at foreign posts. • U.S. AUTO LIABILITY Available for short term on home leave, change of assignment, and new auto purchase prior to foreign departure. This coverage must be issued in combination with an “Embassy Plan” policy. • FOREIGN LIABILITY Contact your post for compliance with local laws, Excess liability limits are available over local liability coverage. • PERSONAL COVERAGE Household goods and transit, valuable articles, personal liability, life insurance . • EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION INSURANCE Employee association insurance Including directors and officers. Your Reliable Choice