The Foreign Service Journal, February 2004

sought to strengthen and be of ser- vice to the country — a desire he captured in his Memoirs with the following personal insight: “Like the actor on the stage, I have been able, all of my life, to be of greater usefulness to others by what, seen from a certain emotional distance, I seemed to be than what, seen close- ly, I really was.” But perhaps an epi- graph from Arthur Schopenhauer fits Kennan better: “Fame is some- thing that must be won: Honor is something which must not be lost.” Kennan has retained a full measure of honor throughout his life. Foreign Policy Elite As to the ability of the American “political classes” to conduct the foreign policies of a “great power aspiring to world leadership,” the ambassador had several sugges- tions. Citing Tocqueville, Kennan predicted an unavoidable clash of competing interests in business groups, minorities, and others that would impede planning and coher- ent policy implementation. For his efforts, Kennan was accused of supporting elitist influence in shap- ing American foreign policy. He was later to respond to such charges in Around the Cragged Hill as fol- lows: “Let us by all means have an elite. Let it be an elite of service to others, of conscience, of responsibility, of restraint of all that is unworthy in itself, and of resolve to be to oth- ers more than one could ever hope to be to one’s self.” In such a sentiment, one can detect the predilection of a statesman conscious of the frailties and imperfections of what he came to call “dilettante diplomacy” — a diplo- macy too readily influenced by shifting public sentiment. F O C U S F E B R U A R Y 2 0 0 4 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 41 Kennan has always urged that we forsake any pretensions at “Manifest International Destiny” in conducting relations with other nations. SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE AMERICA S I NCE 1 9 7 1 2004 represents our 34 th year helping to maintain America’s fleet of vehicles throughout the world. All of us at D & M consider it an honor to have worked with all of you through these years. We are aware of the importance of your official and private vehicles, forklifts, generators, tools and equipment. We look forward to continuing this service in a professional manner. We are here to help, just ask! Gary Vlahov (516) 822-6662; FAX: (516) 822-5020; E-mail: