The Foreign Service Journal, February 2004

of factors explored in most of my assessments. The idea of developing a “system” did not include developing some new or exotic way to look at morale but of grouping common elements that could be used consistently with the purpose of obtaining reportable and comparable results. The system is based on four main points: 1. obtain- ing a “rating” of morale; 2. identify- ing factors that affect morale; 3. ask- ing people what they think could improve morale; and, 4. giving a sum- mary of the observations to manage- ment or administration. First, I ask people for their per- ception of the level of morale for the post (and for their office/section and personal level of morale if the cir- cumstances allow it). Once this is expressed, I ask for the number on a 0-10 scale that best matches their description. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 0 4 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 59 Points for Semi-structured Interview Morale Rating: Post: B. External Factors Office: Housing: Personal: Basic resources: Security/crime: Main Factors l: Health care: Affecting Morale 2: Schools: 3: Sense of community: Spousal employment (other Activities): A. Internal Factors Cost of living: Perception of Executive Office: Climate and pollution: Inter-office relations: Leisure/cultural activities: Inter-personal relations: Cultural issues: Communication: Other: Admin and GSO support: Work environment: Job satisfaction: One thing to improve morale: Relations with FSNs: CLO: Additional Comments: Newsletter: EEO issues: “Postcards from the Past” By Sam Oglesby “Postcards from the Past” takes the reader on a journey through time and many places; from Southeast Asia to Europe to the streets of New York City. These are all true stories. Some are humorous, some poignant; others are filled with intrigue and murder. They are all fascinating tales which will resonate with readers who have spent much of their lives overseas. Sam Oglesby worked as a diplomat and international civil servant and has spent most of his life in Asia. In this memoir covering more than fifty years of adventure, he takes us through palaces, slums, war, earthquakes and even a hangover as well as exploring the feelings of loneliness and isolation which are sometimes a part of Foreign Service life. Postcards from the Past ISBN# Hardcover 1-4134-1202-5 ISBN# Softcover 1-4134-1201-7 Published through Xlibris Tel: 888-795-4274 ext 276 (phone orders) To Purchase Order by phone or online at or visit your local bookstore “Poor management style” is often used as a euphemism for incompetent management.