The Foreign Service Journal, February 2005

Interviews, often with foreign out- lets, were the favored vehicle for con- veying his thoughts. In October 2004 alone there were a total of 21, and 13 more in November. All interviews were transcribed and made available electronically to reporters covering the State Department. During his travels, Powell could almost always count on a friendly reception. When he spoke at large gatherings, both home and abroad, he often was welcomed with standing ovations. One exception was a speech in Detroit in 2002 to a Muslim-American group. The absence of applause was notable, but perhaps not surprising given Muslim hostility to Bush’s policies in the wake of 9/11. His personal popularity exceeded the policies he was defending. A poll in June 2004 by the respected public opinion firm Zogby International showed a steep rise in anti-Americanism in the Arab world during Bush’s first term. In the previous two years, unfavor- able views of America among Egyptians rose from 76 percent to an astonishing 98 percent. That made Egypt the most anti-American of six Arab countries polled. More disqui- eting was a Pew poll, released in March, which found that Osama bin Laden’s numbers were far better than Bush’s in several Muslim coun- tries that were offended not only by Bush’s Iraq policy but also by his perceived tilt toward Israel at the expense of Palestinians. Nor is anti-American feeling limited to the Middle East. Other well-documented examples include Canada and Europe, particularly France. In Latin America, says former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda, the Iraq War has “contributed to a wide, F O C U S F E B R U A R Y 2 0 0 5 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 37 “I want to be measured as Secretary of State, not as the black Secretary of State.” — Colin Powell You know that intimate, boutique all-suite hotel that everyone wants to find? The one that has cutting-edge style and service, but is still reasonably priced? You just found it! • Located minutes from State Department Headquarters • Government per diem accepted all year • Newly Renovated suites with full kitchens • Visit our new restaurant “Dish” For more information please visit or call (202) 337-7600. L OTS OF S TYLE , N OT A LOT OF P R I CE 9 2 4 2 5 T H S T R E E T , NW W A S H I N G T O N , DC 2 0 0 3 7