The Foreign Service Journal, February 2005

Cover I
Contents 3
Focus on the Powell Legacy 18
"FAC"-Checking: Secretary Powell's State Department 18
The Failure of Colin Powell 22
A Legacy of Success 27
Colin Powell: Four Tumultuous Years 32
A Blemished Latin American Record 41
The Rice Doctrine 45
U.S. Diplomacy in the Post-Powell Age 50
Thoughts from the Field 54
Feature 60
The Cold War: A Pyrrhic Victory? 60
Columns 5
President's Views: The Silly Season 5
Speaking Out: Foreign Service Evaluations: A Broken System 13
Reflections: Bring a Pundit to Work Day 76
Departments 7
Letters 7
Cybernotes 10
Marketplace 12
Books 65
In Memory 66
Index to Advertisers 74
AFSA News 77