The Foreign Service Journal, February 2006

ECONOMIC, BUSINESS AND AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs (EB) Earl A. Wayne (FSO) 6/1/00 _____ ARMS CONTROL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation (AC-NP) Stephen Rademaker, Acting 8/12/02 Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs (PM) John Hillen 10/11/05 Assistant Secretary for Verification and Compliance (VC) Paula DeSutter 8/14/02 _____ PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Assistant Secretary for Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Dina Powell 7/11/05 Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (PA) Sean McCormack (FSO) 6/2/05 Coordinator for International Information Programs (IIP) Alexander C. Feldman 6/14/04 MANAGEMENT Director, Offices of Rightsizing (M/R) and Management Policy (M/P) Vacant Assistant Secretary for Administration (A) Frank Coulter (FSO) 7/21/05 Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security and Foreign Missions (DS) Richard J. Griffin 6/22/05 Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs (CA) Maura Harty (FSO) 11/20/02 Director of the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) Barry Wells (FSO), Acting Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Personnel (HR) W. Robert Pearson (FSO) 10/7/03 Chief Information Officer (IRM) James Van Derhoff (FSO) 1/9/06 Director of Overseas Building Operations (OBO) Major General Charles E. Williams 3/12/01 Director of Medical Services (M/MED) Laurence G. Brown, M.D. (FS) 4/21/03 GLOBAL AFFAIRS Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) Barry F. Lowenkron 10/14/05 Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) Anthony Rock (FSO), Acting 7/15/05 Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) Ellen Sauerbray 1/4/06 This information was assembled as of 01/20/06 from State magazine, the State Department Web site ( ) and other online databases by Editorial Intern Caitlin Stuart and Senior Editor Susan Maitra. F O C U S F E B R U A R Y 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 27