The Foreign Service Journal, February 2006

and do things with them instead of exploring. With 65,000 inhabitants, and a university and military facility nearby, Las Cruces certainly sounded like it would fulfill all my needs. Upon retiring I came to Las Cruces and rented an apartment for a few months while looking the area over. I spent a day with a realtor in Albu- querque, too, but realized that city was just too big for me — and housing was more expensive than I wanted. After about four months I bought a house here. Still, I worried about becoming housebound, and made a point to have at least one thing each day that would require my going out. I became acquainted with some people who played bridge and also joined a Hospitality Club. The news- paper provided information on many other things I found of interest. Through these activities I began building my circle of friends. There were also 12 movie screens, which permitted me to feed that particular craving. Soon I was on the board of two social organizations and playing bridge often. I found a couple of evening classes at the university that interested me. I’ve become active in a local “singles” club, and met even more people. I find that my life is full — too full sometimes. I still play bridge often, play Trivial Pursuit with a club once a month and belong to the Cactus Club (where we learn about our native plants). I have a few friends that I regularly go to movies with, belong to a twice-monthly dinner group, volun- teer at a hospital, play computer and PlayStation 2 games with another group and try to get out and take advantage of the numerous cultural events in the city. I also have become involved in our local “downtown revi- talization” program. I have found quite a few Foreign Service retirees here, two of whom I had met overseas. I have an annual party with them and others who have lived and worked overseas. The Hedges are retiring and moving here this year, so I can show them a little F E B R U A R Y 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 57 I have realized that, while I had fantastic experiences overseas, I missed many things in our own country. So I have made a real effort to see them. — Judy Chidester