The Foreign Service Journal, February 2012
62 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2 R EAL E STATE A DVERTISING I NDEX When contacting one of our advertisers, kindly mention you saw their advertisement in the Foreign Service Journal. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Ads / 54 FINANCIAL, LEGAL AND TAX SERVICES Ameriprise Financial / 37 David L. Mortimer, CPA / 39 James E. Burgess, CPA / 37 Luxenberg & Johnson, P.C. / 8 MCG Financial Planning / 41 Shaw Bransford & Roth P.C. / 21 HOUSING AKA, Flexible Stay Hotel Residences / Inside Front Cover Attaché Corporate Housing / 19 CAS: Corporate Apartment Specialists / 21 Pied-a-Terre Properties, Ltd. / 16 Signature Properties, LLC / 16 Suite America / 8 INSURANCE AFSA Group Accident Insurance (The Hirshorn Company) / 30 AFSPA Long Term Care Insurance / 4 Clements Worldwide / 1 Federal Employee Defense Services / 11 MISCELLANEOUS AFSA Resource Marketplace / 62 Diplomatic Auto / Back Cover Fay School / 19 Georgetown Journal / 25 Inside a U.S. Embassy: Diplomacy at Work / 2 Road Scholar / 35 Senior Living Foundation / 39 Te tra Tech / Inside Back Cover REAL ESTATE & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Cabell Reid, LLC / 60 Executive Housing Consultants, Inc. / 61 McGrath Real Estate Services / 63 Meyerson Group Inc., The / 63 Nest DC / 60 Nomadic Real Estate / 4 Promax Management, Inc. / 63 Property Specialists, Inc. / 61 Stuart & Maury, Inc. / 62 WJD Management / 61 WMS: Washington Management Services / 60 ANNOUNCEMENTS 2011 AFSA Tax Guide Online / 41 AFSA and State Department Reading Lists / 25 Call for AFSA Dissent Award Nominations / 59 Change of Address / 60 Marketplace / 10 AFSA Resource Marketplace Find the Most-Requested Resources from the Overseas Briefing Center Online at 1. FSI’s Transition Center 2. U.S. Department of State Overseas Briefing Center (OBC) 3. Security Overseas Seminars: PSOS, ASOS, SAA, SOS, SOS 4. Transition Center Training home page for eligible family members and members of household (MOH) 5. International Jobs - Working Overseas 6. Country Information (Bidding Resources) 7. Transition Center Courses 8. Preparing to Go Overseas 9. Pets and International Travel 10. Foreign Service Assignment Notebook: What Do I Do Now? 11. U.S. Department of State Career Transition Center (CTC) 12. Personal Post Insights 13. Elementary School Stuff 14. Arrange Medical Clearance and Immunizations 15. High Stress Assignment Outbrief Program
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