The Foreign Service Journal, February 2013
8 FEBRUARY 2013 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL LETTERS A Model of Interagency Cooperation I was delighted to read Jane Loeffler’s comprehensive and beautifully written article, “Beyond the Fortress Embassy,” in your December issue. Over the years, Ms. Loeffler has done an amazing job of chronicling the his- tory of the State Department’s build- ings program. This article is yet another example of her depth of knowledge of the subject, and intro- duces what I hope will be a new chapter in diplomatic facili- ties. The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations surely owes her a debt of gratitude for the passion and depth of research she has brought to the subject of our nation’s embassies. That said, I would offer one clarifica- tion. In the article, Ms. Loeffler incor- rectly identifies me as an architect. While I have great respect for architects, I have never sought professional licensure, and make no claim to being one. I feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to assist the State Department in fashioning a building pro- gram tailored to the unique needs of the agency and its mission. OBO is embark- ing on a holistic program that elevates all of the building disciplines—urban development, planning, landscape archi- tecture, historic preservation, interior design, engineering, finance, construc- tion, operations, maintenance, art and sustainability—in addition to architec- ture, to ensure the best product for the American taxpayer. I commend the work on everybody’s part, and hope that both agencies believe, as I do, that this collaboration is a model of interagency cooperation. Casey Jones Director, Design Excellence General Services Administration Washington, D.C. An Antidote for Pablum Congratulations to all who were involved in the FSJ ’s recent makeover. When I received my copy of the redesigned magazine in October, the words that came immediately to mind were “fresh, attractive, stimulating, improved.” Three issues on, those adjectives still apply. The new Talking Points column (formerly Cybernotes) is perfectly titled for the material included. And your Local Lens department is another valuable new feature that should engage more readers in contrib- uting to the Journal ’s content, given the wealth of photographic talent within our community. The quality of the content has cer- tainly matched that of the packaging. Focusing the first issue in the updated format on the new generation of Foreign Service hires was an inspired choice. I also had a strong dose of déjà vu when reading the October Speaking Out col- umn on achieving work-life balance—a goal that remains as relevant and chal- lenging as during my decades in the Foreign Service. I’ll be interested to see how the evolution of your new format pro- gresses, as you continue to move away from focusing every issue on a single theme. In my view, the previous “focus section” approach worked brilliantly with some subjects over the years, less so with others. But if the new formula follows the trend lines of your other changes, I’m betting it will be another improvement. Finally, in addition to the new look, I’d also like to commend you on your willingness to publish some controver- sial, even “politically incorrect” articles and letters. Admittedly, I do sometimes find myself disagreeing vigorously with some of your contributors, as I’m sure is true with some of your other readers. But bravo! There is way too much pablum out there. Keep up the great work! Tibor P. Nagy Jr. Ambassador, retired Lubbock, Texas Some Thoughts on Your Redesign Graphic design is an ever-changing science and art. So after 18 years with the previous FSJ design, a makeover makes a lot of sense. Still, I would like to offer some feed- back. First, it’s convenient to have e-mail addresses added to the masthead. I found the wider palette of colors on the October cover appealing, but recom- mend using a different color than white for the background, as in the AFSA News section. The innovation of a narrow spine (per- fect binding) makes the magazine more practical to find on the shelf. If one is searching for the issue by month, however, the ocher-colored “Octo- ber 2012” is much less easy to spot than the white “ The Foreign Service Journal .” Finally, I’m sure Foreign Service photographers will appreciate the new avenue for sharing
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