The Foreign Service Journal, March 2003

6 AFSA NEWS • MARCH 2003 Seated, from left: State Vice President Louise Crane, Treasurer Thomas Boyatt, President John Naland, FCS Vice President Peter Frederick, Retiree Vice President Bill Farrand. Front row, standing, from left: USAID Representative Woody Navin, Executive Director Susan Reardon, USAID Vice President Joe Pastic, Retiree Representative David Reuther, General Counsel Sharon Papp, Retiree Representative Bill Harrop, AAFSW Representative Margaret Bender, State Representative Roy Perrin. Back row, standing, from left: Retiree Representative Dick Scissors, State Representative John Weis, State Representative George Colvin, Secretary Tex Harris, Retiree Representative Ted Wilkinson, FAS Vice President Ed Porter. Not pictured: State Representative Pamela Bates, State Representative John Boulanger, State Representative Lynn Sever, FCS Representative James Joy, FAS Representative Eric Wenberg. AFSA Annual Report 2002 The total number of individual visitors to the AFSA site increased approximately 14 percen t in 2002. The average num- ber of use rs per day was 352, up 10 per- cent from last year. There was a signifi- cant incre ase in the percentage of visi- tors to the site who accessed specific files rathe r than just browsing the main pages. AFSA enco urages all members to visit the AFSA Web site at an d to sign up for the AFSANet e-mail service designed to provide updates on items of interest to the foreign affairs community. www.afsa .org Seated, from left: Tatiana Gfoeller-Volkoff (incoming), Arnold Schifferdecker (Chairman), Judith Baroody Standing, from left: Mark W. Bocchetti, Maureen S. Dugan (outgoing), Elizabeth Spiro Clark, Hollis Summers, Carol A. Giacomo, William Wanlund, Ted Wilkinson (Governing Board Liaison). Not pictured: Laurie Kassman, Caroline Meirs Mark Burns Shawn Dorman The Foreign Service Journal Editorial Board Governing Board