The Foreign Service Journal, March 2003

14 AFSA NEWS • MARCH 2003 An Amplification: Follow-Up to the January Q&A on Transportation If you return to Washington, D.C., for long- term training of more than one year, you will be formally assigned to FSI on PCS orders. If your training is for between six and 12 months, you will have the option of being assigned or detailed on TDY. If your training is less than six months, you will be placed on TDY. It is State Department policy that tandem couples must choose the same option when they come to D.C. for between six and 12 months of training. AFSA Tax Guide In case you missed the AFSA Tax Guide last month in AFSA News , you can find it on the AFSAWeb site at (click on the February AFSA News ). The guide includes an update on current tax reg- ulations as well as a state-by-state guide to current state-specific tax regulations. Video Contest for Embassy Kids The Foreign Service Youth Foundation and the Overseas Briefing Center announce the Eighth Annual worldwide contest for produc- tion of a video depicting life for children and teens at post. Videos must be produced by Foreign Service kids ages 10 through 18. The top three winners will receive cash awards. Foreign Service children and their parents come to the OBC to research new and prospective assignments. They want to see what life would be like for them at post, not just from an adult’s perspective. These families appreciate the viewpoints of younger members of the Foreign Service community on such top- ics as housing, schooling, recreational facilities, community life. They also appreciate a view of the city from a kid’s perspective. The KidVid contest is open to Foreign Service children ages 10 through 18. The contest deadline is April 15. For a complete list of rules and eligibility guidelines, visit or contact Maureen Johnston at the Overseas Briefing Center by e-mail:; by phone: (703) 302-7277; or fax: (703) 302- 7452. FSO Publishes Children’s Book Calvin T. Watlington, the financial man- agement officer in Tegucigalpa, has written and published a children’s book entitled Zoe . The book is primarily for children ages 5 to 7. It introduces the concept of diversity to children in terms they can understand. Watlington hopes the book will help children embrace each other’s differences. For more information, contact CalvinWatlington at AFSA Legislative Action Supports You AFSA advocacy on Capitol Hill is vital to your interests. AFSA legislative action is funded pri- marily by the Legislative Action Fund. There is no fat in this fund: it pays the salary of Director of Legislative Affairs Ken Nakamura, and directly supports our Hill efforts. The fund helps AFSA to be highly effective in influencing legislation that directly impacts the lives of Foreign Service personnel and retirees. Please mail your contributions to the AFSA Legislative Action Fund, P.O. Box 98026, Washington, DC 20077-7093, or go to the AFSA Web site: Make checks payable to “Legislative Action Fund.” Every contribution makes a difference and is appreciated. ▫ AFSA NEWS BRIEFS Continued from page 13 LEGAL SERVICES estate Planning, Wills, PoW- ers of attorney. General practice; estate planning: wills, trusts, living wills, pow- ers of attorney; review and update of old wills or drafting of new one; probate administra- tion. Charles S. Abell, Furey, Doolan & Abell, llP; 8401 Conn. Ave., #1100, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, Tel: (301) 652-6880, Fax: (301) 652-8972. Will/estate Planning by attorney who is a former FSO. Have your will reviewed and updated, or new one prepared: No charge for initial consultation. M. Bruce hirshorn, Boring & Pilger , 307 Maple Ave. W, Suite D, Vienna, VA 22180 Tel: (703) 281-2161, Fax: (703) 281-9464. E-mail: grievance attorney (specializing since 1983) Attorney assists FS officers cor- rect defective performance appraisals, reverse improper tenuring and promotion board deci- sions, secure financial benefits, defend against disciplinary actions and obtain relief from all forms of discrimination. Free Initial Consultation. Call William t. irelan, esq. Tel: (202) 625-1800, Fax: (202) 625-1616. E-mail: attorney With 22 years successful experience SPECIAlIZING FUll TIME IN FS GRIEVANCES will more than double your chance of winning. 30%of grievants win before the Grievance Board; 85% of my clients win. Only a private attorney can adequately devel- op and present your case, including neces- sary regs, arcane legal doctrines, precedents and rules. call Bridget r. Mugane at Tel: (202) 387-4383, or (301) 596-0175. E-mail: free initial consultation. TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES roland s. heard, cPa 1091 Chaddwyck Dr. Athens, GA 30606 Tel/Fax: (706) 769-8976 E-mail: • U.S. income tax services • Many FS & contractor clients • Practiced before the IRS • Financial planning • American Institute of CPAs, Member F IRST C ONSUlTATION F REE attorney JacoB forBai, cPa/Ms: Affordable expatriate tax solutions, compliance, planning, preparation for U.S. citizens & aliens world- wide. 18+ years exp. Tel: (301) 608-2248. E-mail: attorney handlinggrievances at State, Commerce, USAID. Also appeals to FSGB and MSPB, EEOC hearings, and fed- eral court litigation re employment discrimi- nation under Title VII. Will write your com- plaints, represent you at hearings, litigate your actions in federal court, and brief your appeals. Offices in VA and D.C. Call George Elfter at (202) 237-2047, Fax: (703) 354-8734. E-mail: classified ads: $1.25/word (10 word min.) First 3 words bolded free, add’l bold text $2/word; header/ box/shading $10. Deadline: 20th of month. Tel: (202) 944-5507, Fax: (202) 338-6820. E-mail: CLASSIFIEDS