The Foreign Service Journal, March 2004

Saddam’s methods, or even Sharon’s, at a price America is willing to pay. Without security, all our well-mean- ing reconstruction will be swept away. Let us learn from history that no one will successfully govern Iraq until they are armed with the legiti- macy that comes from driving us out. Our protection in speaking the truth is the vision and integrity of the president. When that protection fails us, the most we can hope is that some of the cost of misusing U.S. diplomacy will be borne by those responsible for it. But there is no valid option of ceding our expert judgment to others less qualified, or speaking less than the truth about the planet. John Brady Kiesling entered the Foreign Service in 1983, serving in Tel Aviv, Casablanca, Washington,Yerevan and Athens (twice), the second time as political counselor. He resigned from the Service in February 2003 in protest of the impending war with Iraq. A writer and lecturer, he is currently a vis- iting professor of Hellenic studies at Princeton University. 18 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / M A R C H 2 0 0 4 S P E A K I N G O U T I am not qualified to say when and how the State Department lost the bureaucratic struggle for the president’s ear. The Embassy Plan Overseas Insurance Personal Auto & Contents Coverage Experience that helps you avoid the pitfalls of a highly complex business. Repeat business that results from providing what’s best for the customer not the agent nor the insurance company. Since 1969, Harry M. Jannette International has provided dependable coverage with U.S. carriers with a financial rating of A+ or higher to thousands of Foreign Service Personnel worldwide. Thus you gain the broadest U.S. terms and conditions and flexible value limits often not available from other insurance carriers. MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED: SEE OUR WEBSITE APPLICATIONS Harry M. Jannette International, L.L.C. 8111 LBJ Freeway, Suite 585 Dallas, Texas 75251-1334 Toll Free (800) 256-5141 (972) 783-4915 Fax (972) 783-0545 E-mail: • WOrldWide cOverage Fire, theft, comprehensive and collision protection are available at foreign posts. • U.S. AUTO LIABILITY Available for short term on home leave, change of assignment, and new auto purchase prior to foreign departure. This coverage must be issued in combination with an “Embassy Plan” policy. • FOREIGN LIABILITY Contact your post for compliance with local laws, Excess liability limits are available over local liability coverage. • PERSONAL COVERAGE Household goods and transit, valuable articles, personal liability, life insurance . • EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION INSURANCE Employee association insurance Including directors and officers. Your Reliable Choice Need to Sound the Alarm About Something? Why not write a “Speaking Out” column for the Foreign Service Journal ? “Speaking Out” is your forum to advocate policy, regulatory or statu- tory changes to the Foreign Service. These can be based on personal experience with an injus- tice or convey your hard-won insights into a foreign affairs-relat- ed issue. Writers are encouraged to take strong stands, but all factual claims must be supported and doc- umented. Submissions should be approximately 1,500 words in length and should be sent via e- mail to