The Foreign Service Journal, March 2004

“U.S. Consulate Mosul” The day after the Iraqi Army capit- ulated to U.S. Forces in northern Iraq (April 8, 2003), the forward and advanced operating bases for the 10th Special Forces Group and their sup- port personnel were relocated to Mosul International Airport in Mosul, Iraq. As we convoyed to the airport, Iraqis were cautiously observing the U.S. forces moving into their city. It was easy to see they were waiting to see what we would do as an occupying force. My first impression upon arriving at the airport was that there had been a military battle there. Trash and debris were everywhere and most of the windows were broken. I learned, however, that the destruction was caused by Iraqis looting and vandalizing property after the Iraqi Army and the police force abandoned their posts and their duties. Security was an issue throughout the city because gangs of looters were roaming the city, stealing and destroying property. Some entrances to neighborhoods were barricaded and people stood guard at informal “checkpoints.” The following day, I went out with a Special Forces team to translate for them as they selected a building to use as their “team house.” The Iraqis were very curious to see real live Amer- icans. Every time we stopped, a crowd would quickly form around us asking questions. They seemed willing to help in any way they could. The Iraqis soon realized the “evil Americans” (according to Saddam’s regime) were actually friendly and concerned about the rebuilding of Iraq for the benefit of the Iraqi citizens. Whenever American military vehicles traveled through the city, soldiers would usually get smiles, thumbs-up signs and waves from the Iraqis — especially the kids and teenagers. F O C U S M A R C H 2 0 0 4 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 59 After our troops set up the airport as their primary base, it became the unofficial American consulate in Mosul. An ice cream soda is one of the few items we cannot mail. Drugs, cosmetics, sundries mailed to every country in the world. • Homeopathic & Herbal Remedies • Natural Body Products