The Foreign Service Journal, March 2004

the attention of policy-makers to pressing issues involving trade in steel, textiles and agricultural prod- ucts. Following retirement, Amb. Schaetzel continued work to deepen America’s relationship with the European Community: he believed there were few things that mattered more for the U.S., and for Europe as well. He wrote a book on U.S.- European relations, The Unhinged Alliance: America and the European Community (Harper-Collins, 1975). He was president of the Jean Monnet Council in Washington, and a consul- tant to the Brookings Institution and the General Accounting Office. During this period, Amb. Schae- tzel took on another commitment, working to strengthen government public service. In 1986, he was a prime mover at the Brookings Institution in taking steps to address what he called a “quiet crisis” in the federal public service. A year later he became board chairman of the pri- vately funded National Comm- ission on the Public Service, and recruited then-retiring Federal Re- serve Board Chairman Paul Volcker to become its head. In 1990, the com- mission published its findings in “Leadership for America: Rebuilding the Public Service,” a report that stands as a continuing stimulus for positive change. Amb. Schaetzel frequently wrote opinion pieces on international eco- nomics for the Washington Post , and was a fellow of the American Acad- emy of Diplomacy and the National Academy of Public Administration. He was a member of the Cosmos Club and the Council on Foreign Relations. Survivors include his wife of 59 years, Imogen Spencer Schaetzel of Bethesda, Md.; two daughters, Wendy Lesko of Kensington, Md., and Ann Schaetzel of Brooklyn, N.Y.; and four grandchildren. Send your “In Memory” submis- sion to: FSJ, Att: Susan Maitra, 2101 E Street NW, Washington DC 20037, or e-mail it to, or fax it to (202) 338-8244. No photos, please. 68 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / M A R C H 2 0 0 4 I N M E M O R Y Sales, Leasing and Property Management Stuart and Maury Inc. Realtors 1031 Tax deferred exchange specialists • Hands on management for over 45 years • We’re not huge, we’re selective, we care • Personalized guidance for all your real estate needs • Monthly computerized statements • Proven, Reliable Contractors Call Susan Bader, Real Estate Investment Specialist, for more information Office: (301) 654-3200 Fax: (301) 656-6182 E-mail: 4833 Bethesda Ave. Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814 Visit our web site for references