The Foreign Service Journal, March 2005

38 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / M A R C H 2 0 0 5 ost of the news that appears in the mainstream media about Iraq is depress- ing, centering on insurgent attacks on coalition forces and Iraqis at large. Encouraging developments seldom get any media exposure, although there are some interesting stories that ought to be shared. In particular, there has been real progress in the area of justice sector reform. Despite the daily violence, many ordinary Iraqis are trying to build a new society completely different from the one they have known for decades. Prominent among them are the judges of Iraq. F O C U S O N I R A Q , T W O Y E A R S L A T E R I RAQI J UDGES C OME TO P RAGUE M T HANKS TO THE EFFORTS OF U.S. DIPLOMATS AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS , I RAQ IS MAKING REAL PROGRESS IN PROMOTING THE RULE OF LAW . B Y B ARBARA D ILLON H ILLAS Adam Niklewicz