The Foreign Service Journal, March 2006

Burma, he used artists’ renderings and mock-ups of space equipment to demonstrate the 1969 U.S. moon landing to a nation that did not yet have television. After the Burma tour, Mr. Southard was appointed chief of the Foreign Service Division of USIA and deputy assistant director for East Asia. His final overseas tour was in Manila, where he was director of the Philippines branch of USIA. He retired in 1985 as director of press and publications. In retirement, Mr. Southard wrote 13 books about his family, his child- hood and genealogy. He traveled throughout the country to do genea- logical research, and traced his ances- try back to the Puritans of the early 17th century. He presented a collec- tion of artifacts from Burma to a museum at Northern Illinois Univer- sity. His other interests included model railroading and jazz. His marriage to Orra Mager Southard ended in divorce. Survivors include his wife of 50 years, Anne Simmons Southard of Silver Spring, Md.; four daughters from his second marriage, Anne C. Southard of Charles Town, W.Va., Susan B. Mayer of The Plains, Va., Sara M. Southard of Silver Spring, Md., and Katherine W. Butts of Welcome, Md.; and one granddaugh- ter. James Nelson Tull , 85, a retired FSO, died on Dec. 23 at Bay Ridge at Westminster Village in Spanish Fort, Ala. He was a resident of Fairhope, Ala., from 1976, when he retired from the Foreign Service. Mr. Tull was born in Jackson, Miss., the son of Nelson Tynes and Virginia Holland Tull. He grew up in Mississippi and Louisiana. While with the U.S. military, he worked as a radio program director in Manila and was manager of a radio station in Okinawa. He returned to the U.S. and graduat- ed from the University of Chicago with a master’s degree in social sci- ences in 1953. In 1955, Mr. Tull joined the U.S. Information Agency and was assigned to Saigon. He was posted to Manila in 1957, where he served as press attaché to Ambassador Charles E. Bohlen, and to Vientiane in 1960. From 1962 to 1965 he headed USIA’s Vietnam M A R C H 2 0 0 6 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 81 I N M E M O R Y u u