The Foreign Service Journal, March 2008

Face the Sun: Let There Be Light An FSO currently stationed in China, this blogger is in his mid-20s. He has posted a lot of his journal online. His design is simple, and he updates the site frequently. His friendly and open personality is evi- dent in each entry. Because he has been blogging for several years, he has extensive archives. He also posts an annual review of the books he’s read in the past year. Vice Consul The author is a vice consul, serving in India. His blog features a great mix of poetry, embassy happenings, Indian culture and personal life. His posts are updated frequently and accompanied by pictures. He says he blogs to keep a journal of his life in New Delhi, to stay in touch with fam- ily and friends and to encourage him- self to write consistently. From Russia with Love http://carolynandtristan.blogspot. com/ Carolyn is an international educa- tor from Seattle, currently trying out the expat life in Russia. Her husband Tristan is a first-tour Foreign Service officer stationed in Moscow. The site is a great example of how to stretch the capabilities of Google’s Blogger . The Partition — Better Days on the Sub-Continent A young FSO serving in India, the writer frequently updates his blog. His entries are professional, thought- ful and open. He writes well and posts interesting happenings about his work, reading and music. FS Couples. Several FS couples keep separate blogs. Their different expe- riences and perspectives allow for additional insight into Foreign Service life. Prince Roy Prince Roy is a self- described “ex-law school inmate” now serving as a U.S. diplomat. A native of New Orleans, his first post was in Madras (2004-2006); he is now serving in Taipei. His site is meant to “serve as a means for friends and family to keep track of me no matter where I go, and provide firsthand information for anyone considering this career.” Prince Roy is very active within the FS blogging community. He is men- tioned or linked to by almost every FS blog. Random Jottings of a Chengdu Native This blogger married Prince Roy in the late 1990s. She works for a firm in Taipei. She usually updates month- ly and posts big pictures. The Diplodocus — Sticking My Neck Out for America The writer is a recently married FS officer in Washington, D.C. He uses WordPress to blog. His site has a great format and is airy, friendly and easy to navigate. There are tabs at the top of the blog for easy organization. He uses flickr to host his photos. Girl in the Rain – A Displaced Seattleite Wandering the Globe She recently joined the FS and is posted in Seoul. Since marrying Dip- lodocus, she has occasionally com- mented on some of the challenges of being a tandem couple. Her site has charming aesthetics, and her posts are useful to those curious about starting out in the Foreign Service. The Photo Diary. Some blogs are very picture-oriented. The writers frequently post photographs from their locations abroad. and — At Your Service in Switzerland This couple takes turns updating the blog. Their blog hosts dozens of pictures from their current post in Switzerland. They are headed to Yaounde for their next tour. The Family Newsletter. Several FS families use their blogs to keep their relatives updated on their current posts and activities. Tasman’s World This site hosts the monthly news- letter of one Foreign Service family. This is a very simple site that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, but pro- vides relatives with access to family news and a photo archive. The Dinoia Family The Dinoia family keeps a blog from their current post in Reykjavik. The blog is a record of the family’s activities and the rewards of life abroad. It provides a useful glimpse for those interested in understanding different aspects of raising a family 44 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / M A R C H 2 0 0 8