The Foreign Service Journal, March 2008
overseas. (It was cited in Cybernotes in the January 2006 issue of the FSJ .) Globehoppers – Two Adults, Four Kids, and All Their Stuff Wandering the World This family was previously posted in Manila and Lomé. They are cur- rently in Chennai until August 2009. They update this blog almost daily and frequently include pictures of family outings. place2place studio/ This blog is updated by the spouse of an FSO. The site shows the family’s interaction with the community in Niger. Her personal- ized blog provides a unique setup for keeping in touch with friends and family. She updates regularly, and pictures accompany every post. The archives go back to 2006 when her husband passed the Foreign Service oral examination. FS Hopefuls. Aspirants to the Foreign Service share their progress and stories with each other and with sympathetic FS members, making these blogs a useful resource for any- one considering the Service as a career. Tales of the Windy City (and Beyond) This blogger is an FS hopeful cur- rently in Chicago. He has passed the Foreign Service written exam a few times and is working to pass the oral exam. He is linked to many active-duty FS bloggers who have provided him with encouragement and advice. Tumbleweeds This is a collection of the anony- mous author’s “experiences, insights, and epiphanies gathered along the way,” as he makes his “slow ascent toward the U.S. Department of State Foreign Service.” He offers firsthand descriptions of the evaluation and hir- ing process and an incredible number of links and resources for those consid- ering the Service. He is very plugged into the FS blogosphere. M A R C H 2 0 0 8 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 45 Aspirants to the Foreign Service share their stories with each other.
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