The Foreign Service Journal, March 2008

Benefits of AFSA Membership 60 F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L / MA R CH 2 0 0 8 A F S A N E W S AFSA Annual Report 2007 AFSA BY THE NUMBERS IN 2007 8 Grievances filed by USAID employees, seven of which were favorably resolved. 29 New lifetime members in 2007. 36 The number of individuals who apply for openings on the FSJ Editorial Board. 74 AFSAnets sent in 2007. 88 AFSA articles, letters and interviews in major media nationwide. 173 Number of overseas missions that have an AFSA representative at post. 450 Number of retiree members and spouses who received personal assistance fromAFSA. 505 AFSA speakers nationwide. 9,461 Subscribers to AFSAnet. 13,855 AFSAmembers at year’s end. 31,500 Attendees at AFSA speaker programs nationwide. 102,866 Donation (in dollars) to the scholarship fund from the Naomi Pekmezian estate. 161,900 Merit and Financial Aid Scholarships awarded to 78 students (in dollars). 907,000 Dollar amount of scholarship fund donation from the Brockman M. Moore estate and trust, (the largest scholarship gift AFSA has ever received). 1,032,946 Number of visitors to the AFSAWeb site. AFSA Core Values THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION Established in 1924. MISSION Tomake the ForeignService amore effec- tive agent of United States international leadership. VISION We work to make the Foreign Service a better-supported, more respected, more satisfying place inwhich to spend a career and raise a family. — RESPONSIVENESS: We listen to our members and actively promote their interests. — EFFECTIVENESS: We act with a sense of urgency, get results andmake adifference. — INTEGRITY: We demonstrate openness, honesty and fairness in everythingwe do. — EFFICIENCY: We carefully expend our resourceswhere they canhavemaximum impact. — COMMUNITY: We foster teamwork, respect each other and enjoy our time together. — COURAGE: We encourage responsible risk-taking in order to achieve results. — PATRIOTISM: We are faithful to the grand and enduring ideals that gave our nation birth. — EMPOWERMENT: We trust each other togiveour best efforts guidedby these core values. LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS: AFSA negotiates the regulations affecting employees’ careers. We work to make the Foreign Service a better place in which to work, live and raise a family. Our network of AFSApost representa- tivesprovideson-siteassistancetooverseasmem- bers. CONGRESSIONAL ADVOCACY: AFSA is your advocatebeforeCongress on issues affecting the careers of active members and the annuities of retired members. OMBUDSMAN: We work to resolve member problemswithpay,allowances,claims,annuities, health care and many other issues. VOICE OF THE FOREIGNSERVICE: As the pro- fessional associationof theForeignService since 1924, AFSAworks to strengthenour profession andisevervigilantforthreatstothecareerForeign Service. GRIEVANCE REPRESENTATION: AFSA’s legal staffprovideshands-onassistancewithgrievance proceedings when your rights are violated. OUTREACH: AFSAcommunicates the views of the ForeignService onprofessional issues to the news media and directly to the general public. FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL: Our monthly magazineoffersprovocativearticlesthatwillkeep youcurrentondevelopmentsintheforeignaffairs profession. AFSANEWS: AFSA’smonthlynewsletter,inside the ForeignServiceJournal ,highlightsissuesaffect- ing your daily life. AFSA WEB SITE: Our online member area includes a member directory and member forums. AFSANET: Regulare-mailupdateskeepyoucur- rent on issues of importance to the Foreign Service community. LEGALSERVICES: Weofferfreelegaladviceand representation on employment issues, includ- ing security and OIG investigations, discipline cases and security clearance proceedings. INSURANCE PROGRAMS: You can choose amongcompetitivelypricedinsuranceprograms designed for the Foreign Service community, including professional liability insurance, acci- dent, dental and personal property/transit. AFSA SCHOLARSHIPS: Approximately 100 merit-basedand financial-need scholarships are granted every year to Foreign Service family members. Since 1926, AFSA has awarded approximately $4,450,000 in scholarships. AFSA AWARDS: This unique awards program honorsconstructivedissentandoutstandingper- formance. RETIREENEWSLETTER: Thisbimonthlynewslet- ter is exclusively for retired members. DIRECTORY OF RETIRED MEMBERS: This invaluableannuallisting,bystate,ofcontactinfor- mation for retired members is provided to all retired AFSAmembers. MAGAZINE DISCOUNTS: AFSA members are eligible for special discounts on subscriptions to major foreign affairs journals. ESPRIT DE CORPS: We work to build a sense of common cause and professional pride amongallForeignServicemembers:active-duty andretired;generalistsandspecialists;entry-level to senior. AFSAMEMORIALPLAQUES: Establishedin1933, and maintained by AFSA, these plaques in the TrumanBuilding lobby honormembers of the Foreign Service who lost their lives overseas in the line of duty.