The Foreign Service Journal, March 2010
J O U R N A L OREIGN ERVICE S F P RESIDENT ’ S V IEWS / 5 Exploring the New Frontiers of Diplomacy and Development By Susan R. Johnson S PEAKING O UT / 13 A Real Reset Button for U.S.-Russian Relations By Thompson Buchanan R EFLECTIONS / 84 A-100, Past and Present By Steven Alan Honley L ETTERS / 7 C YBERNOTES / 9 B OOKS / 68 I N M EMORY / 71 M ARKETPLACE / 78 I NDEX TO A DVERTISERS / 82 Cover and inside illustrations by Laszlo Kubinyi F O C U S O N I r a q & I t s N e i g h b o r s I RAQ , I RAN AND THE U NITED S TATES / 16 The route to direct talks between Washington and Tehran could run through Baghdad. By Selig S. Harrison A CHIEVING C LOSURE ON I RAQ ’ S P REWAR WMD / 23 Understanding why it turned out Saddam Hussein had no WMD provides insights useful in other situations. By Charles A. Duelfer T HE U.S. AND T URKEY : B ACK FROM THE B RINK / 30 American, Iraqi and Turkish policymakers should continue to focus on promoting dialogue and making common cause. By Ross Wilson T HE M IDDLE E AST : F ORKS IN THE W AY F ORWARD / 37 The stakes for getting U.S. policy right in the Middle East are higher than ever. Here is an overview of the problems and opportunities. By Chas W. Freeman Jr. F E A T U R E D IPLOMACY R EBOOTED : M AKING D IGITAL S TATECRAFT A R EALITY / 43 The State Department is now in a position to build novel applications to support the mission of diplomacy. By Chris Bronk A F S A N E W S 2009 A NNUAL R EPORT : W ORKING FOR A S TRONGER AFSA / 49 Y EAR IN R EVIEW / 51 C ONSTITUENCY S UMMARIES / 57 C LASSIFIEDS / 65 M A R C H 2 0 1 0 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 3 C ONTENTS March 2010 Volume 87, No. 3
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