The Foreign Service Journal, March 2010

Back row (left to right): Tex Harris, Henry Schmick, Andrew Winter. Middle row (left to right): Mike Unglesbee, Sharon White, Keith Curtis, Julia Stewart, Daniel Hirsch, Francisco Zamora, Glenn Rogers, Les Hickman. Front row (left to right): Carleton Bulkin, Bill Farrand, Susan R. Johnson, Janice Bay, Mary E. Glantz and Teresa Yata. (Not pictured: Rebecca Balogh, Jorge Delfin, Robert Houdek, Joyce Namde, David Passage, Melinda Sallyards and Molly Williamson.) MA R CH 2 0 1 0 / F OR E I GN S E R V I C E J OU R N A L 61 AFSA Annual Report 2009 AFSA ON THE WEB The AFSA Web site ( ) continues to be one of the most effective ways of increasing AFSA’s visibility and out- reach. 2009 saw almost 857,000 unique visitors to the site, with readers’ page visits increasing by 13 percent over 2008. As in previous years, our most popular pages include the National High School Essay Contest, Inside a U.S. Embassy , scholarships, the Foreign Service Journal , the annual Tax Guide and the constituency pages. This year a new favorite emerged: the re-energized Ambassador Project pages. Our AFSAnet listserv, which had 9,635 subscribers at year’s end, also continues to be a vital avenue of communication with our members. To that end, we sent 68 AFSAnet messages in 2009. We are planning big changes to the AFSA Web site in 2010, and we look forward to sharing a new online experience with our membership later in the year. Stay tuned! — Asgeir Sigfusson, Marketing/Outreach Manager Left to right, back row: Chairman Ted Wilkinson, George Jones, Jeff Giauque; Front row: Stephen W. Buck, May G. Baptista, Lynn W. Roche, Rima J. Vydmantas, Julie Gianelloni Connor, D. Ian Hopper and Joseph Bruns. (Not pictured: Mary E. Glantz.) FRANCESCA KELLY The Foreign Service Journal Editorial Board AFSA Board of Governors FRANCESCA KELLY