The Foreign Service Journal, March 2011

M A R C H 2 0 1 1 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 39 ANNUAL REPORT American Foreign Service Association 2010 Benefits of AFSA Membership AFSA Core Values THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION Established in 1924. Mission To make the Foreign Service a more effective agent of United States inter- national leadership. Vision We work to make the Foreign Service a better-supported, more respected, more satisfying place in which to spend a career and raise a family. ■ Responsiveness: We listen to our members and actively promote their interests. ■ Effectiveness: We act with a sense of urgency, get results, and make a difference. ■ Integrity: We demonstrate openness, honesty, and fairness in everything we do. ■ Efficiency: We carefully expend our resources where they can have maximum impact. ■ Community: We foster teamwork, respect each other, and enjoy our time together. ■ Courage: We encourage responsible risk-taking in order to achieve results. ■ Patriotism: We are faithful to the grand and enduring ideals that gave our nation birth. ■ Empowerment: We trust each other to give our best efforts guided by these core values. Labor Management Relations: AFSA negotiates the regulations affecting employees’ careers. We work to make the Foreign Service a better place in which to work, live and raise a family. Our network of AFSA post representatives provides on-site assistance to overseas members. Legal Services: We offer free legal advice and representation on employment issues, including security and OIG investigations, discipline cases and security clear- ance proceedings. Congressional Advocacy: AFSA is your advocate before Congress on issues affecting the careers of active members and the annuities of retired members. Ombudsman: We work to resolve member problems with pay, allowances, claims, annuities, health care and many other issues. Voice of the Foreign Service: As the professional association of the Foreign Service since 1924, AFSA works to strengthen our profession and is ever vigilant for threats to the career Foreign Service. Grievance Representation: AFSA’s legal staff provides hands-on assistance with grievance proceedings when your rights are violated. Outreach: AFSA communicates the views of the Foreign Service on profes- sional issues to the news media and directly to the general public. Foreign Service Journal: Our monthly magazine offers provocative articles that will keep you current on developments in the foreign affairs profession. AFSA News: AFSA’s monthly newsletter, inside the Foreign Service Journal , highlights issues affecting your daily life. AFSA Web Site: Our online member area includes a member directory and member forums. AFSAnet: Regular e-mail updates keep you current on issues of importance to the Foreign Service community. Insurance Programs: You can choose among competitively priced insurance programs designed for the Foreign Service community, including professional lia- bility, long-term care, accident, dental and personal property/transit. AFSA Scholarships: Approximately 100 merit-based and financial-need schol- arships are granted every year to Foreign Service family members. Since 1926, AFSA has awarded nearly $5,000,000 in scholarships. AFSA Awards: This unique program honors constructive dissent and out- standing performance. Retiree Newsletter: This bimonthly newsletter is exclusively for retired mem- bers. Directory of Retired Members: This invaluable annual listing, by state, of contact information for retired members is provided to all retired AFSAmembers. Discounts: AFSA members are eligible for special discounts on subscriptions to major foreign affairs journals. AFSA is also very pleased to have a new partner- ship with Zipcar, the world’s largest car-sharing and car club service. Members re- ceive a significant reduction in annual fees and hourly rates. Esprit de Corps: We work to build a sense of common cause and professional pride among all Foreign Service members: active-duty and retired; generalists and specialists; entry-level, mid-level and senior. AFSA Memorial Plaques: Established in 1933, and maintained by AFSA, these plaques in the Truman Building lobby honor members of the Foreign Serv- ice who lost their lives overseas in the line of duty.