The Foreign Service Journal, March 2011

48 F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L / M A R C H 2 0 1 1 Help AFSA Go Green and Save Some Green t Please make sure we have your e-mail address! As AFSA prepares to institute more environmentally friendly practices, significantly reducing our consumption of paper, we are asking our members to please ensure that we have their valid e-mail addresses on file. This will allow us to contact you by e-mail rather than cluttering up your home with paper mail, and it also leads to significant savings in postage. We ask our active-duty members to give us their “.gov” e-mail addresses, as those are unlikely to change throughout your career. For all others, any valid e-mail address works! Thanks for helping us go green — and save some green! You can submit your e-mail address either by sending it to or visiting American Foreign Service Association Art: