The Foreign Service Journal, March 2012
J O U R N A L OREIGN ERVICE S F S PEAKING O UT / 11 How Data Visualization Can Change Diplomacy By Chris Bronk and Scott Smith R EFLECTIONS / 80 Touchdown in Kazan By George Wilcox L ETTERS / 5 C YBERNOTES / 8 M ARKETPLACE / 9 B OOKS / 65 I N M EMORY / 70 I NDEX TO A DVERTISERS / 78 Cover photo by Lillian G. deValcourt-Ayala M A R C H 2 0 1 2 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 3 C ONTENTS March 2012 Volume 89, No. 3 F O C U S O N H u n g e r A s a F o r e i g n P o l i c y I s s u e F EED THE F UTURE : M AKING A R EAL D IFFERENCE / 17 Less than three years after its inception, the U.S. government’s new response to food insecurity is already changing millions of lives. By Paul Weisenfeld F EEDING THE O THER K OREA / 22 Few Americans have ever visited the Pyongyang, let alone lived and worked there. Here is a first-person account by one who did. By Richard Ragan H EADING O FF THE C OMING F OOD R EVOLUTIONS / 26 The best way to break the link between food price increases and absolute poverty is through long-term development programs. By Andrew S. Natsios C ATALYZING U.S. L EADERSHIP ON H UNGER / 31 U.S. funding for global food security is under threat even though starvation continues to kill thousands of people every day. By David Beckmann F E A T U R E AFSA’ S S CHOLARSHIP P ROGRAM : A P ROUD H ISTORY / 34 Since its beginnings in 1926, AFSA’s scholarship program has grown to provide both merit awards and financial-need scholarships to about 100 sons and daughters of Foreign Service members annually. By C. Edward Dillery A F S A N E W S 2011 A NNUAL R EPORT : W ORKING FOR A S TRONGER AFSA / 39 N EWS B RIEFS / 60 C LASSIFIEDS / 61
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